Commitment : A practice to transform Promise into Reality.

Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans. - Peter F. Drucker

We saw many a times that people consistently complain about their life. They keep talking about not getting something, about not achieving their goals, and about all the obstacles and problems that make their life “oh so difficult” situation. These people now then comes to a situation to realize that, we don’t get what we want; we only get what we are 100 percent committed to. This makes Commitment an universal element in everyone's life. In other words, unless we are not fully committed to something, we do not have a hope in the world of bringing our desires into reality. Commitment is often hailed as the key ingredient to success. Everything from monthly bills to education, marriage, work, and goals depends on some level of commitment.

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Measuring Commitment

Commitment can be measured in different parameter. Some commitments are large, like marriage commetment to stay together. When we take up a job, we are making a commitment to show up and do the job well. At the same time our employer makes a commitment to pay us on time. People often, take commitment as same as "Interested" however, Commitment goes beyond “merely being interested” in something.

Commitment is defined as the level of enthusiasm and the feeling of responsibility that a person has toward the goals and mission thatbghe persin is entrusted to.

At workplace an employee has their commitment towards their tasks assigned to complete. They should be commited towards the vision of the organization. Commitment means not just doing our job, but giving more than what is expected. Committed employees often have a positive effect on the entire work environment, this is also one of the soft skills that can help us to advance in our career. Commitment is not only limited to workplace. We have different commitment level at the personal level.

Personal Commitment

I have an instance in my life, when I was unable to maintain a balance between my official and personal life. A senior position in any organisation is entrusted with many important responsibility. While I was assigned multiple responsibility to look after at the work place. At the same time, I was responsible to look after my parent living far off from the usual work place city. Occasional travel to the place was disturbing my official life while, if I look after at the work, my parents were remain unanswered. Finding it too complicated, I was unable to commit to any of my tasks. This allow me to shift my focus completelly on Parents. I left my job commited myself tonlook after my parents. And I dedicated commited to the tasks I had chosen in my life.

Commitment is all about being proactive and never backing down no matter what problems may arise.

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Leaving the jobs and commited to family is tough tasks but I made sure to fulfill what I was commited too. It is advantageous to fully commit ourself to a decision because with commitment comes an increased level of focus. Once commited we do everything 100% because in our mind there are no other possibilities or alternate paths available, as in my case.

One tasks at a time.

It is alwsys advisable to handle one task at a time than making mess by handling multiple tasks. It is better to master at one tasks rather than being "jack of all trades". So I personally belive to manage a tasks at a time. Once we are fully commited to something, we do not quit easily because quitting means you will fail to achieve our desired outcomes. When we make any commitment make sure and keep the focus to achieve them. In order to get to what we are aiming, apart from commitment we need dedication, patience, discipline, and determination. Without all this we unable to get the desired result.

Before committing to anything, make sure to get all the clarity on the tasks. Analyze them carefully, estimate the resources required, the timline involved and every minute details. Never hurried up something. Make proper planning to make the commitment count.


Namaste @steemflow

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