Beyond flags and borders and passports.

The way internet and social media evolved over the time. It has influenced our life in a big way. It is not wrong to say that we are living in the cyber world of our own. We talk, we listen to music, we make friends and many other things. The real human space has been taken over by the cyber space. The space created by all of us and living happily. Check out on any individial, and we will find them engaged over the internet, websites or any social media platform. It is a complex and important part of modern life. Through the help of the internet, we connect, interact, and carry out our various activities in the virtual space. Websites, social media, online stores, and even the devices we use to access them are all included in this huge virtual environment. We live a life in our own space without any fear or risk. Still people felt the need of cyber security.

What makes people to really bothered about cyber security.??**


The Cyber world

The cyber world is a double edged sword. It can either be used to make our lives easy if used judiciously or difficult and unlivable if misused. All of us are aware of the fact that the point we let loose innthe cyber space, we will be looted instantly. This is why people felt the need to implanting own protection through cyber security. It involves differrnt levels of controls at technical, operational, and administrative level to ensure our data protection and to avoid the risk of cyber attacks.

In case the topic is getting out over the head, just imagine ourself to cut loose and living a free life. We are not bonded with any kind of love, or responsibility or families etc. The presence of all these factor allows usbto live iwirhingl our limit. Our mindset never let us to let ourself to loose. If provides we might get ourself out of control and lovingly a life like a wild animals.

I personally belive thatbl the presence of certain kind off check in our life or in case of cyber world allow us to stay in limit and also ensures our safety and security. The moment these were removed from our life, we get off guard and enter into a zone that would call for more risk in living. There might be exception, but we can not except everyone to be alike. We never know what cooking in others mind.

Purpose of Boundaries.

We have certain set of boundaries in our life. We can not go off limit with. Be it a relationship, be it with family, Friends or offices. A boundary in our life, allow us to live a respectable life. Ideally, we put them in place to protect our well being. These boundaries help us to build trust, safety, and respect in relationships. It helps in making a meaningful life. Bondaries helps us to create a clear guideline /rule/ limits of how you would like to be treated. Ultimately, boundaries honors our needs and wants so that we feel respected and safe.

World with no Boundary and Security.

We might have noticed that even we have boundaries in life and security everywhere. Still many of us feel unsafe. There is alwsys a risk of being cheated, looted , corruption or exploited. I was just imagining, what could be a life when all the boundaries and security goes on leave.

In today's time, every country have their own security control to ward off any risk of attack on their land. Security measures adopted by the countries, such as surveillance systems, access control, and trained security personnel, provide a sense of safety and personal protection to every citizen of the country. So a world without security is completelly irrelevant. Even if I get a chance to live, I would feel more insecure than before. As I said before. We cannot expect people to be alike. We all need a private life and the moment, the securities were waived off, we were at risk of exposing ourself to the world.

We can remove the boundaries or security, but we cannot can get the mindset of the humans changed. Humans are the cruel and the most dangerous animal, and you never know what to expect when they unwind without the fear of being caught. Expecting things to be like that is out of context. If that would be the case, I belive all of us are free to be breached our privacy in the cyber world.


Namaste @steemflow

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