some tips to overcome the occurrence of negative things (Boredom)


Hi guys, good night, hope you have a good day, and also hope that you enjoy this evening with your family with joy.

we as social beings of course have to start the day with various busy routines in the hope of providing the best economy for our family, but sometimes the journey of life that we go through does not match the expectations we have planned, feelings of boredom, frustration and even stress very often arise even though uninvited, as if those three negative feelings were waiting for us in a dark tunnel.

very sad, some time ago I opened my Facebook homepage I found a post from someone who shared about "a person ending his life" with a rope hanging from a guava tree, it really hit my heart the most when I found out the fact that someone did harakiri only because the feeling of frustration constantly suppresses his life, so, in today's post, I will write a few positive words, I hope that readers don't commit harakiri even though their life conditions are not going well, which are caused by various kinds of problems in life, this is important, for the sake of humanity, for the sake of my friendship with you, even though we have never enjoyed a cup of coffee at the same table.

if we compare "negative feelings are like wind in the stomach" then we have to find a way to get rid of all the wind, if not, then some potential disturbances will occur, such as tightness, heart attacks and several other serious problems, as well as the negative feelings that exist within us, we have to get rid of it in a number of simple & even trivial ways.

  • Shouted on the beach

breaking waves, strong wind blowing, wide view, soft touch of sand makes everything comfortable & relaxed, but have you ever done something silly, namely "screaming" as loudly as you can on the beach? maybe some of you don't do it because you are worried about the people around you, they will think you are weird, forget them, and scream as loud as possible.

do you know, the benefits of screaming on the beach? if you have never done it, try to do it even once in your life, and you will find the fact that "all negative thoughts" will escape you, and on the other hand you will also find the fact that people will not sneer at you for silly things that, this is where we can learn that no one will ever care what you do, actually what makes you suffer is your own negative thoughts, if you scream on the beach then all negative things will leave you.

some time ago I watched a video on the YouTube channel, in which a boy seems to be talking to God and he even uses a slightly high pitch, which sounds like this "God is okay", even though we can see from the shadows video that the boy is facing difficulties in life, we judge it from the side of the clothes he is wearing, indirectly the boy is actually throwing away all negative thoughts about his God, I think this is very great, the best video I've ever found.

but I don't suggest that you do the same as the boy, you can sing Rock & Roll songs in high notes, hhhhaaaa it will be fine, and you have to make sure you don't use harsh words like FUCKING and etc, because dirty words will usually add stress to your life, so make sure you shout positive or hopeful words, it will be great.

  • Morning exercise

as I shared tips some time ago if you still remember, exercise has a positive effect on health, especially it will get rid of all the bad sweat that has accumulated, this bad sweat will make your days unhappy, feeling weak, not enthusiastic, stressed and several other unproductive things will happen to you if you don't get rid of all the evil sweat, so do a morning exercise of at least 10 minutes then you have saved your physical & mental health.

to do 10 minutes of exercise you don't need to go to the gym that forces you to spend $ 10, you don't need to go to the gym, you just do small movements in the hallway or even in your yard, this is completely free & healthy.

  • Read a book

I believe that reading is food for the brain! How about you? we can term it like this, if the stomach is hungry, then we will feel pain & weakness, but if our brain is hungry, what happens? yes of course we will be bored, frustrated & stressed, so read some good books that can broaden your horizons so that your brain becomes full.

the more you read, the greater the chance to be happy, the greater the chance to be intelligent, the greater the chance to become your own talent, you don't have to read long, if you are very busy, why don't you read 10 minutes in the morning while breakfast, all of which will give you the great gift of life.

  • Avoid political opinion

So far, our social media has a lot of information about unhealthy politics, where faction A accuses faction B of not being good and vice versa, every day such things continue to appear on our social media homepage, and sometimes many readers are caught between the two. so save yourself from information like that, then you can be sure you will never get your day Bored, frustrated & stressed.

  • listening to music

for the last point in our topic this time, I suggest you to listen to the type music that you really like.

and here's one that I really enjoy & enjoy listening to;


all the tips that I share with you today are everything that I have done in my life to overcome boredom, frustration & stress, if you think these are good tips, then please try them, and of course I have hope that happiness will accompany our lives all the time.

thank you very much for visiting my blog, those are some tips for today's contest, see you in the next post with a different topic.

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