my thoughts on "money for love"



Dear my friends

The pattern of one person's life journey will never be the same as someone else's, that's not a problem, but it's more of a beautiful "diversity" if we are willing to accept the differences that exist in someone else's personality, for example we live life with a routine of 4 hours per day, while others others live life with a routine of 8 hours a day, in this case there are no active people and no lazy people, it's all just a matter of "patterns".

as well as our topic today "Money for love" we will review with our respective points of view, I think our views will never be the same in this case, but every review that exists must make sense.

before we discuss further about today's topic, it is very good if we first review about love, what love is, who deserves it, and how to get it.

Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attraction. Love can also be interpreted as a feeling in a person due to its constituent factors. In the context of philosophy, love is a good trait that inherits all goodness, feelings of compassion and compassion. Another opinion, love is an active action / activity carried out by humans towards other objects, in the form of self-sacrifice, empathy, attention, affection, helping, obeying words, following, obeying, and willing to do whatever the object wants.Wikipedia

I personally interpret love as one of the most beautiful things in life that is given by God and implanted into each of our hearts, everyone must have love even though the personality is very bad, but love must be owned even though it is very small.

to be easy to understand, love is something natural and can be obtained by anyone who wants it, love is in every part of the world, love does not exist somewhere, meaning that someone can get love in their own way, for example we are active writers on #Hive more or less we are not willing if someone tries to demean the hive with their opinions, dirty words that come out of his mouth, we will definitely get angry when we hear someone blaspheme the hive, and in my opinion this is what love is, we are active in hive more or less we love "hive", so in this case love we can be sure is something that grows naturally in our hearts.

at first glance we can already assume that love is a "feeling" not a tangible "object", so love will grow by itself over time (for those who want love) grow in him, for example if today you want to have love then believe me he will grow inside of you slowly.

Now let's go to our core topic for today ;

Money for love !!!

"money for love" I will agree if you say "money" to finance love (the cost of living for a family, parents, wife, children) I will agree with your opinion, but on the other hand if you say money to buy love I do not agree, because something natural you can never buy, for example you crave the cool mountain air, you can go to the top to breathe it contentedly, but you can never hire someone to carry all the mountain air to your house, it can never , so you don't have to think that way you will be hurt by yourself.

there are still people out there who interpret (love is a woman) I think they have made a mistake, love and women are two different things, so as a result they say that their money can buy love, I was shocked when I heard this, they were talking something in beyond common sense, if you equate love and women, then it's a mistake, so when you use your money to get w
a partner then what you get is a woman (a partner) but not love, humans are interested in money while love will never want your money.

we can prove that someone marries for love, and money doesn't buy love, maybe you can see family life in some areas of developing countries, they live a peaceful but poor family life, they manage to live a family life because of love (love each other) ) indirectly it also explains that they do not let money determine they deserve to be happy or not.

Love is really like, really love, really love, captivated, eager, very hopeful, longing, worried, and worried. Love is synonymous with feelings of affection, likes, and so on. Everyone must have experienced love, from babies, teenagers, and adults. Love certainly exists in each individual, but the way to express a love will also be different. Love does not only discuss partner issues, but in friends and family there is also love. Basically love is part of our life. It is impossible for a person to live without the love and affection of the people around him. For example, like our own mother. It is impossible for a mother not to love her child, and vice versa.Wikipedia

so it can be concluded that "money for love" is more appropriate to "financing love" not to "buy love", no one in the world can buy love, and we can also interpret it as don't let ourselves love something because of money because of it will humble yourself, so let life go as it is and love will grow slowly within each of us.

What do you think ? tell us what you think about "money for love" in your unique post, thank you very much for visiting the blog & see you in the next post with a different topic.

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