MY CLASS POSTPONED || The Unexpected Benefits of Creating Data Analyst Slides

Yesterday was supposed to be when I was to hold a free data analyst course in my church covering several technologies like Excel, MySQL, PowerBI, and Python, but unfortunately I was not able to do so. In fact, I was not able to teach at all. What could be the reason?

I guess you're probably thinking about what could have happened.

On Tuesday, while I was still trying to finish up the slides for the Introduction to Excel course, I received a memo from the church that the class had been postponed without giving a date when it would be held next.


At that moment, I didn't know how to feel but there was one feeling that I felt the most, which was a sign of relief as I was wondering how I would finish all the slides I needed to do in less than 24 hours.

Since then, I decided to take a break and promised myself to get back at it, but instead I took the whole day resting because I didn't have access to electricity to work, and I felt quite lazy; if not, I would have found a way out.

But anyways, I really appreciate the extra time, as it would help me to put in more effort into the slides I am creating with less pressure to finish in time. At the same time, I would try not to see myself as if I had all the time in the world because the time when the programme would be fixed again is unknown, which means it can be closer than what I may expect.

The Advantages of Making These Slides

I have noticed that I have begun to learn more as I compile these slides together. Even the planning and gathering of information help me remember things that I had forgotten due to the fact that I don't use them often.

Presently, I do not have a career in the data science field yet, so I don't always make use of what I have previously learned, which makes it easier for me to forget things. This is how teaching gives me a medium to revise and resharpen my skills and, at the same time, contribute to the lives of others.

Aside from the fact that I will be able to relearn and understand things at a deeper level, it also contributes to my self-esteem; building confidence in myself and the skills I have. I must confess that previously my confidence rate was not as high as it is now, but after receiving positive comments from friends and mentors after seeing my slides, including some people asking me to send the slides when I am done as it would be useful to them, it has really boosted my morale a lot.

At the moment, I am not after monetary gain but after building myself into a person of value and realising the value I can offer and how much of a service I can be to people. The reward I look for is not for now but for the near future.

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