Bus Madness: Is it the Jams or the Fuel hike or the Praying

How could I ever forget that day, it felt like I've paid ticket for a stand-up comedy whereas I was just in a bus...

The day started bad because of the hike in fuel prices and I was charged double of what we normally pay to get to the market so I was already pissed off but I understood the drivers as they were also trying to survive and make a living.

Going wasn't fun as everyone was still annoyed with the recent hike in fuel and subsequently hike in transportation fare but then coming back was much fun.


After paying the transportation fare, the bus left and not soon enough, the passenger sitting next to me raised the topic of the recent hike in fuel and trust Nigerians when it comes to criticising the leaders.... everyone was bantering the president saying he was very incompetent and should resign, then another passenger chipped in immediately saying, "if you were him, would you resign?"

And other passengers rained abuses on him saying that his likes are the reason Nigeria isn't moving forward and all sort of arguments began.

On the other end, the driver was a young guy and was speeding like a bird, possibly to maximize his fuel and was playing this hot soundtrack and most persons were happy.

Now this was the catch.... How could you be in a bus where argument is going on about a recent happening and the driver is also jamming his soundtracks for more than 15minutes and in the heat of all these was when what could come to your mind was praying... Don't get me wrong, it's not as if there was a specific time for us to pray, like c'mon we should pray in season and out of season but then In that scenario?

This lady, in her early forties shouted that we should pray and these were her words..
"Driver, switch off your music; ladies put on your scarf and men remove your cap, let's pray"

The driver pretended like he didn't hear her and was still playing his music...
The passenger next to me was still bringing up points why there should be an alternative rather than hiking fuel prices...
Personally, I didn't say anything further though...

The woman got annoyed as it seems she was been snubbed and next thing I heard was her singing gospel song on top of her voice.

I was like, what is going on here.. is this madness 😅

So in this particular bus and at the same time, three separate activities were going on...

The driver jamming his music
Some passengers arguing about fuel hike
Some passengers praying

What a day it was and we continued like this until I reached my destination and alighted off from the bus... could you imagine,lol...

What made this day memorable was that it was the very first time I could remember participating in a bus discussion and that was because the arguments were backed up with solid points so I discovered that the passengers were learned and not the type of argument you will engage in only to come and make noise without learning anything at the end.

So if you were in that bus, which one would you have contributed in?

Thanks for reading and have a nice day ahead

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