The Necessity of soft skills

Pexel (

I was on holidays last year October. My mom advised me to go and look for a job just to make ends meet and also for me to know how the labour market works. I went from company to another carrying by CV about looking for a job. I also applied online too. I struggled to look for a job for like a month till I finally found one.
Well I was interviewed and I scored the highest , it was Tech company I was working as an intern . The company had several tech sections such as digital marketing data analytics, cloud computing and web development .
I worked there for just 3 months.
I am so happy I did. I specialized in Machine learning. I do train models and deploy them . I am mainly focused on labelled and unlabelled data There I understood the concept of softkills and the edge soft kills gives you while applying for a job in any firm or company.
The soft skill I learnt include :

Pexel (

Team work : Team work is one if the soft skills I learnt then during my i internship in the company. As someone into tech team work helps while working with a developer or specialist , especially while working on a project. Each worker has a role to play and most work hand in hand to ensure the success of the project at hand.
** leadership skill :** This is one of the skills bestowed in me from birth. I love carrying people along and setting paths to follow. It's what gives me joy. It really helped me during my internship. My boss made me the leader of a certain project and I was haooy I delivered very well beyond his expectations

Interpersonal skill : This is one skill that all workers should posses. It involves managing conflicts, attentive listening, building lasting relationships. It also involves the way conflicts are being managed and being able to understand each other.
Creativity and innovation skills : these skills help both at work and also our dialy lives. It involes coming up with new ideas. It also improve things and change them for the better.

**Communication skills : ** Communication skills is one of the most important skills that should be possessed to ensure success in the Job market , because without communication within workers the business cannot strive because ideas won't be exchanged to ensure success of the business.

These skills explained above will help us and give us more stand for mor success in the job market.

@Leogrowth I appreciate you for this monthly tag #juneinleo .
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