It should be done

Mandatory means that the thing is a must for you as an individual, unless there are reasons far beyond those that can prevent you from doing that particular thing. It is required by law or mandate, like a thing in which you are to do if not might have its own punishment. It is compulsory and must be carried out by the citizens of the country, both living within the country and outside the country.
I am a Nigerian citizen, and we Nigerians have mandatory service that we are expected to carry out. The mandatory service is that having successfully passed through the university, both federal, state, or private, one is expected to go on a 1-year NYSC program. The National Youth Service Corps is a must unless one has passed the age of going, which is 30 (thirty), and then he or she would still go through a good process in order to get the letter of exemption and be able to get the certificate and be able to present the benefits involved in it and be able to document it and use it when needed.

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The nysc (Nigerian Youth Service Corps) is an amazing program with the enjoyment in which they would be like the alawee the monthly payment in which they received. Checking the call-up letter is a big one on its own as the call letter might contain a very far state in which you are to go in no distance time as the letter really comes out a few days to the day of entering the camp for camping.
The camping is always twenty-one (21) days of camping with training in which they are being trained by the Nigerian army.
After the three weeks, they receive their PPA (place of primary assignment), in which they are expected to report to and start their work there after two weeks.

The Nysc program is always a one-year program in which the corpers are expected to always go to work in their place of primary assignment depending on the days concluded with the institution at hand. There is also a day set aside to go to the place local government for CDS (community development service) once a week, depending on the state in which the corporation is serving at the moment.
The Nysc is a good thing for me, and it is very necessary for students; it is one of the national integrations that helps to bring different cultural backgrounds together. It helps people from different places to come and learn others cultures by the way in which they meet and relate with each other and should not be scrapped, as it is very necessary for students.
I am a student, and I hope, by God's Grace, Ii graduate and go to youth service and become acorporal,r soIi would really make the decisionto gog to service and serve my Father's Land very well.

This is my entry to the hive learners weekly contest.
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