Dad's Deserves

On a course our NUD [316] offered last semester, we got to a topic about staff welfare, which includes how to take good care of our staff, the employee who is working for us in one industry or another.
Based on my explanation, maternity leave is a leave for a period of time that is given to a woman that gave birth or is about to give birth. Depending on the institution at hand, the leave can be either four months or three months for the woman. The four months can come as a month before delivery and three months after delivery. The mother of the woman is also given a month leave to go help the nursing woman.
As much as the dad is also supposed to really get his own leave to help out. A nursing mother really needs extra care, love, and support in one way or another; it is an exercise that is really helpful to the woman and her lovely child. This is good as the nursing mother, when neglected in one way or the very other, can fall into ppd (postpartum depression), which is not good for her and her baby.
Dad is the head of the family and should always help in one way or another. Dads should also be given leave to help their wives out with the family chores in the ways in which they can. I feel fathers should always be given the leave and should receive the order when to come back from their leave. As the nursing mother is giving 4 or three months leave and the mother is given one month to take care of her daughter and grandchild and grandchildren, likewise, the father of the baby is supposed to be given a time frame to also help take care.

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They are already and might be helping already in one way or another, and as they are doing that, they are supposed to be relieved of the duties at the minimum time in the office.
I feel the dad's should also be given, as they really deserve it; they contribute, and it would be nice for them to rest a bit. They might be staying up late, helping out with house chores, and doing all other things like cooking and washing, which they can really do, and helping out in and combining with work might really be much on them, and that minimum leave is what they really should be given.

I don't feel he should continue with the work, as we should not always overstress ourselves. As they are already doing the family duties, they can be granted little leave from the office in which they have been working and will also continue with work fully after the leave.
He should not continue working but should be given a period of rest.
Dad deserves the leave and should always be given that.
This is my entry to the Hive Learners weekly contest.
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