A Little Escape from Reality

When I think about adventures or things that I’ve never done before, so many things come to mind. I’ve thought of adventures in the air, but just one flight proved to me that being up in the air is really not my thing. I’ve thought of adventures in the water too, but I think staying on the surface is good enough for me. There’s absolutely no reason for me to go under water to find anything.

Which brings me to one thing I’m sure of: land.
I got this feeling two years ago when I went on a trip with my sisters. There was a part of this beach that was rocky, and we climbed it to get a better view of everything. My sister kept saying I should be careful because she was scared of heights. But I was actually excited to climb. I just wanted to keep going.

And on a few excursions I’ve been on that required a little bit of climbing, I’m always so hyped up.
Even as a kid, I’ve always found a reason to climb something, but that day at the beach was when I realized that it’s something I want to explore.

So on an ideal adventure, I would go on a road trip with a few friends to the mountains over a weekend. We would get a trailer for the journey. I love road trips because I get to just stare into the woods or whatever is there. But the one thing I don't like is the discomfort. So getting a trailer, like the one they use for actors when shooting a movie, would be really cool and comfortable enough for the journey. And of course, since we would be staying for the weekend, it would come in handy.

When I think of mountain climbing, its like an assignment or a puzzle with a reward at the end. You've got to concentrate; do a few calculations in your head for every step you take to make sure you don't fall and also to ensure you can easily take the next step.
And at the end of the exercise, when you’ve made it to the top of the mountain, that feeling of accomplishment sets in, and as a plus, you get to have a great view of the whole area and beyond.
I know internet connection are always very low at such areas based on the movies I’ve watched.
So it would be an ideal time and place to disconnect fron the virtual world and have some time to yourself. Just you and the countless thoughts in your head. One of the things I value most in my life right now is some peace and quite. If you are always talking, I can’t hang around you.

And then at night, we would sit around the fire to talk about our experiences of the day and bond over them.
Just writing about it alone, I already want to be out there and living it. Soon😌

all images are mine

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