The legacies my generations will enjoy

It's a good thing for parents to leave something tangible for their children and generation no matter how small it can be that would make them to be remembered for good.

Parents do leave something for their children just that some of them might not be beneficial while some are.


If I am to leave three things for my generation it would be legacy. And what do I mean by legacy; legacy is something inherited from a predecessor; a heritage.
Therefore I would leave behind legacies like my faith(religion), Wealth and a good name.

My faith (religion)
I'm not trying to preach religion here but, my religion is one of the most important things I would love to pass unto my generation to generations. I'm so proud of my religion and I'm so grateful that my parent showed me the way to what am practising. And am also confident that my generation would be forever grateful that I leave that great treasure behind.


One of the reasons why I work day and night is for my present and future family to live a very good life. I don't want my children to have a taste of poverty, I had suffer for them already just for them to come and enjoy and also lift others up as their father as rightly did. Leaving wealth for my generation would make them always praying for me and thankful that they came to this world through me.

A good name
We know of some late rich men and women that their name is more or less a thing of shame and reproach now. They left a very bad legacy and their children could not even boast of their name, Leaving a good name behind for your generation is another paramount thing that cannot be overlooked. I would leave a good name for my generation, so that anywhere the name is being mentioned doors of opportunities would be opened and people would always say "that was a good man" and then my generation would be very proud be bear the name.

With this legacies I'm sure that my generations would not die.

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