I believe we should be our brothers keeper, helping one another always. There's a saying that anyone you have power to help, you should render the help without hesitating. With the little I have, I do try as much as I can to help those I have capacity to help, and I believe if I'm richer I'll do more. I've also been receiving good things, mercy and favour from people, maybe it's as a result of my good doings or it's just life.

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Many times I've been opportuned to help people or stand up for people but recently there's one I did and which I'm still into.
There's a girl in my school here where I teach in the rural area who happens to be the younger sister to a friend of mine in the city, I got to know they are related after their parent died, my friend in the city came to the village for her mum's burial, we were both surprised to see each other because she did not know I was posted to their village and I also don't know she's from that particular village.

After their parent's death, the little girl had to start leaving with a relative, but you know sometimes someone who is not your parent might not be able to do or cater for you like your parent.
For a period of time, the family she was leaving with were paying her school fees and doing other necessary things but it got to a point when they said they no longer have the capacity to help her financially, I couldn't blame them though, the situation of things in the country is getting out of hand, everyone is complaining about the state of the economy.

Therefore with that being said, it means someone else has to continue from where they stopped, else the little girl will drop out from school which I do not want. So I talked to her sister in the city that it's time we stand in for her, do all what we can do so she can continue her education.

We both agreed to be paying her school fees and other necessary things, while she will still be staying with their relative. Moreso, I need to start extra moral class for her because I discovered she was lacking behind. The lesson was not an easy thing for me to do due to my tight schedule, but I just have to do all I could so as to keep her going.
The funny thing is that I have the opportunity to conduct extra moral class for some student sometime ago but I turn it down even when they were willing to pay for my service, all because I don't have the time, but here I'm taking the little girl free of charge despite my busy schedule.

I'm happy she's getting better now with her academics, because she had a poor educational background right from Nursery and Primary school which is really affecting her but with God they say everything is possible.

So many people have been a victim of this similar circumstance, whereby they have to stop schooling after the death of parent or guardian.
I'm just so happy I could render this help, because I believe I'm building a bright future for her, it's a great achievement for me to see her in the nearest future achieving all her dreams.
It's possible that she becomes a nuisance to the society if she couldn't find help, but I'm glad she found one.
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