Sometimes we need to pay some sacrifice in order to achieve what we need, the sacrifice might not be easy though but the end justify the means. To build something is always stressful and also requires a great deal of work but to destroy is very easy.
So also to get a very good result or to achieve some goals, atimes we need to go extra mile by depriving ourselves of somethings which we might really need so as to achieve what needs to be achieved.

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Self-denial is the habit of refusing to do or have things that you would like, because of some reasons best known to you. It might be because you believe it is morally good for you not to do them or have them or because there are more important things to be done.

There are many times have paid some sacrifice or deny myself of some things I should do on a normal day but because of what I wanted to achieve I decided to cultivate the habit of refusing to do certain things.
I'll be sharing just three instances where I deny myself or have denied myself to get some certain things done.

Like when I was in school, virtually everyone knows how stressful school can be and to make good grades you have to deny yourself of some pleasures, just like they say, no pain no gain.
Although not everyone knows this, some just go to school for fun which is very weird.

Many times I would not go out with my friends to play football, I would rather be in my room studying. Even though I love football like any other thing. That's my best sport and what I also do at my leisure time even up till now. I derive so much joy and happiness doing it. But then it got to a point that I had to forget about my hobby, (football) so as to get my desired grade, and make the time I dedicate for school productive.

Believe me it was not an easy journey at all, seeing your friends or other people go out to enjoy themselves but you have to isolate yourself in order to achieve what needs to be achieved.
In this life I believe one should go one step at a time and also have a scale of preference, i.e you do things depending on how necessary or how important they are.
Obviously obtaining good grades are far better than any kind of pleasure. So it's best that I do the most necessary. Now after obtaining my desired grade I can now play football as long as i want it.

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Secondly, myself and my elder brothers have taken it upon ourselves to cater for the well-being and school fees of our last born, who's the only one still in school, she's just about entering the university, so ever since Dad retired we decided to ease him the stress and burden. Due to this, I have some amount of money I send home every month, so I have to deny myself of some things. There are some things I should do atimes but when I remember I have responsibilities, I quickly adjust lols.

Lastly, another way I deny myself is through the savings and investment am into, definitely someone that eats with his ten fingers won't be able to go into savings and investment, only for minds that are ready to pay the sacrifice. And now I can say I don't regret my actions, as it has yielded a lot of profits for me.
If you'll ask me I'll say self denial is a very good thing. One of the ways to get things done quickly

Note: All Images were designed using canva.

Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, Till we meet in the next post.

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