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In order to know the kind of method that is most suitable for one in preparing for exams, or just studying, one has to understand his/her nature, what condition works best for one.
For instance some people don't like reading in the night, while some do, some like reading some weeks before exams when exams is very near while some can't cope in that tight condition. We also have different reading habit, I have a friend that can read in any environment whatsoever, no matter how noisy the environment is, he's good to go... till date I still imagine how he do cope, but I guess that's his nature, For me I can't even dare, to read in a noisy environment is a no go area for me.

Some people also read while listening to music, hehehe like they read comfortably, some will even use ear piece, and they find it so convinient I don't know how to do that anyways but again it's their nature, what they are used to already.

I love writing exams, as it helps me to know how good or bad I'm... I believe when you prepare so well for an examination, there's this confidence that you'll just have 😂😂 you'll be like let them bring their paper... you'll be so eager to write, and can't wait to crush it lols... but when you don't prepare, it's certain that one will be scared to even enter the examination hall or will be looking for means to manipulate things in the hall, like examination malpractice etc.

Personally I have my ways of preparing for exams which has been of great help for me, some of which are;

  • Having a conclusion that no matter what, I'll definitely pass my examination through studying hard and not seeking illegal means.
    I believe when I have that determination that I'll make it no matter the challenges, no matter how hard the course might seem to be, no matter how hard the lecturer might seems to be. I just made up my mind that I'll Excel.
    This positive mindset has been helping me and will continue to, because I learn everyday, so I don't see impossibility in anything, if someone can do it, I can do it too.

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*I made sure to study right from the beginning of the term or semester. Since I don't want to be panicking about how to grab and understand a whole handout in just a week or days, then I have to read ahead before they even say anything about exams. I achieve this my reading everyday. I also discovered that practice makes perfection, the more one studies, the more better you'll be per day, the more faster you'll be assimilating things. While the less you study, the less your assimilation level. So reading everyday is my logic of excelling in exams.

Virtually everyone is not wired the same way maybe just few people are wired the same.
While I do these that I mentioned to achieve my desired results some will do something similar to the opposite and still have the same result just like mine. So I think it's just about understanding your nature and what works best for you.

I could remember a time I was looking for something that will be keeping me awake so I can read over night, I tried Nescafe but reverse is the case, I slept like any other thing, not once not twice that I tried it, I saw that it was not working so I tried another method of sleeping in the afternoon whenever I want to read overnight. That really helped instead of taking a substance, meanwhile the same Nescafe that did not work for me, works perfectly for some.
It's very important for everyone to know what works best for them.

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