Filters are not bad I think, they make our pictures look more beautiful, but overdoing it is what I think is not too good. We should be modest with everything we do, some people already abuse the use of filters and that's why it seems to be a bad thing, yet filters is a very good thing, if you'll ask me.

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When you see someone that knows how to make the best use of filters, believe me you'll definitely like the pictures. I'm a lover of photography, I love seeing nice pictures but unfortunately I don't know how to take nice pictures, neither do I know how to edit pictures like a pro, nevertheless I'm trying my best.

I use filters, and I don't even think I can do without it, firstly my phone camera is not that awesome so it's best that I use filters to spice and balance it. And then as a content writer who also makes videos, I edit my pictures and videos so they can look good for my viewers to enjoy. Pictures with nice filters seems to be more presentable and good looking than an ordinary picture.

Imagine you snap with an iPhone and then edit it properly, people might mistake the picture for one that's taken by a professional photographer with a professional camera.
Like I said earlier, I'm a lover of photography, I love and cherish beautiful pictures when I see one. I still have plans of learning graphics design, so I can do justice to my love for good pictures and I know one day I'll hit this goal of mine, so help me God.

Have never been deceived with an edited picture online because I don't get freaked with people's pictures I see online, I know what technology has done to human race, 😃 I know how people can change anything till the extent of turning a very bad picture to a very good picture, and if you're not careful, you'll be falling for the wrong thing. So many has fell for this trap, probably those that are yet to understand the power of editing.

Using filters is just like applying make up, so I can say filter is an online makeup, more greater and powerful than applying makeup. With filter you can change the entire look of the person beyond what you can even imagine.

Ninety to Ninety- five percent of the pictures I usually upload are edited, yeah... even though am not too good with editing still I make sure they're nice to some extent.
You don't have to be too hard on yourself by snapping a bad picture and uploading the same bad picture online, that doesn't sound good. You can just give it a little touch of filter to spice it up.

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I appreciate people that are more beautiful and handsome offline, you see some people's picture online and if you're not careful, you'll jump into conclusion that they're perfect or very good looking, you might even start developing interest in them already but seeing their real face offline you end up getting pissed off.

Some people are unlucky with pimples, pimples have been dealing with them seriously, but when they snap you hardly see those pimples on their face, hmm you'll be shocked to see them offline with legions of pimples, and you'll be like what have I done to myself lol.

We also have this category of people that does not know how to use filter, we can call them amateur or newbie in editing... the funny part is most of the pictures they take normally seems very good compared to when they use filter, who does that lols... they don't always know the right filters to apply.

In conclusion, Filters are nice when used in the right way and moderately.

Thank you for reading.
Note: All pictures were designed by me using canva.

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