I'll start by saying marriage is a very beautiful thing, the only institution where you'll be given a certificate at the very beginning of the course lols...
As beautiful as marriage is, have not seen a perfect marriage even in the holy Bible, every marriage has its ups and downs. We need to understand this fact that in marriage we'll surely see good and bad experience, everything cannot continue to be fun from the beginning to the end, there will be times of challenges so also time to enjoy.

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Though am still single but I have a lot of married people around me, and I'll be sharing some experience, one bitter and one sweet marriage.

The first is the case of a sister that was close to me, she met her husband while she was doing her industrial training program in a company after her National diploma year two (2). Her place of work was far where her parent was staying so she had to rent an apartment very close to her place of work.

After some time she brought the man to her parent, for them to know him better and probably counsel them. After introducing him to her parent, they were like she should take things slowly but she was saying she's of age, she wants to marry early that all her mates are already married.

With the hope that the man is a well to do man, because he had been deceiving the lady all this while that he has a printing press though not in the city they reside but the lady did not bother to go check the company for once. She believed the guy, so since it was difficult for the parent to convince her to wait a little longer so they can do their findings about the man, they proceed with the wedding.

It was after the wedding that the truth was later known but then it was too late, still she did not want to divorce her husband but tried to give her husband some money to start a business, unfortunately all was abortive as the man squandered everything.
She endured the suffering and everyday pain but after sometime she couldn't bear it no more, she had to divorce him and start afresh.

Some of the lessons here is that before marriage you should try to study your partner very well take your time, as there is no late coming there.
Also marriage is not something that you'll start judging yourself or living your life based on other people's life. Because your friend is married, you want to get married as well, that's very wrong reason to get married. You should wait for your time and don't eat more than you can chew.

God so good the lady is now remarried to another man who loves her truly and God has bless them with a child. She's lucky, some people did not have that kind of opportunity, so it's better not to rush into it because those that rush into it will likely rush out.

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While the second case is about one of the most lovely couple/marriage have ever seen,
Have come to realize that when it comes to marriage what works for Mr A might not work for Mr B, we all are different people, from different backgrounds, so problem and challenges might not be solved in the same way.

When I heard about the wedding of this couple, I was so surprised, because they were just too young yet they're happily married now and doing wonderfully well, although I know that they might also be passing through some challenges in their marriage but at least they are still fine with what we can see about them and I wish them a happy union forever.

Finally, I know we have different understanding about marriage but for me I'll say being with that soul that truly loves you is really worth it, likewise being with the wrong person is hell on Earth. God will help us all as we choose our life partner, and those that are married already, God will help them enjoy their marriage.


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