First of all I love military job especially Navy or Airforce and I even tried my best maybe I'll luckily get picked, because I do apply for jobs whenever they open their site for recruitment but all to no avail even though it's somehow too late now, reason because I lost interest already, man has moved on lols.

I don't think I ever had a reason to visit the police station or have issues with a member of the force if not for when my laptop was stolen few years back.

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Let me quickly take you through the details of the story.

My friends and I making three in number went for a compulsory six weeks teaching practice exercise in a rural area, It was a very lovely experience anyways not until I got robbed.
Normally I do take my laptop to school everyday but that very day, I don't feel like taking it with me so I left it at home, If I had known maybe I'll carry it along with me, but am not Mr know all.

When we got back from school we realized the padlock we used to lock the door has been broken, we entered the house and saw all our bags scattered. I quick checked where I kept my laptop and found out it's no more there, I only saw the charger. We also had few money at home which the thieves took along with them. The money was not even the issue because it's not up to #5,000 ( not up to $7) but my laptop, a brand new laptop that's just three month old. I bought it at the rate of #80,000 (approximately $107 dollars) eight years ago. I know one can't find a brand new laptop at that price this time around in Nigeria as everything is getting high almost everyday.

For almost one hour I don't even know what to do, maybe to cry or just sleep to cool myself down, I was looking like someone that has just been scammed of all his life savings.
Those that lost their money was not even thinking of their loss everyone focused on my stolen laptop, I was just hearing sorry, sorry, sorry from every side, unfortunately no amount of sorry will bring back the lost laptop.

After some hours we decided to report in the nearest police station. On getting there, I can't even talk it was one of my friends that helped to explain the incidence to the policemen we met there, after that we wrote statement and they told us they will try their best. We also dropped our phone numbers with them and they told us they will contact us as soon as they have one or two information for us.

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We kept going to the police station times without number, it even got to a time that one of them told us to drop some money so as to make the investigation easier and faster, we did but still no positive result.

There was a particular day we went there just like the other days but surprisingly the police officers were trying to accuse my friends, that it's possible they're the ones that stole the laptop. I was shocked to hear this, although anything can happen as you can't just trust anyone but why accuse someone based on guessing, without accurate investigation you just conclude that someone is the thief. I got pissed off with the case, so I just have to tell policemen to forget about it.

That incidence made me dislike the Nigerian police force till date. We got robbed yet the police is still accusing us of stealing our goods by ourselves. I just pray the Nigerian police force will get better someday.


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