Maybe I should say I had the most amazing new year celebration ever this year, even more than when we were still much younger that festive periods use to be very interesting, because cousins and friends will be around and sometimes we will go out to have fun, so new year celebration use to be very interesting then unlike when we became mature that I don't even go out on new year or Christmas time, but the one I had this year is the best so far.
It was best not because I saw someone that dash me money or because I won a visa lottery but because for the first time I celebrate the new year as a married man not as a single guy anymore.
Getting married is one of the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, it's a dream come true.


By this time last year, I don't see myself getting married at the end of the year, if anyone would ask me I'll say it will be 2024 maybe middle of the year or close to it's ending. Infact, there was a particular friend of mine that we usually make jest of each other about when we'll get married, as virtually all our mates are married. Whenever he ask me I'll stay I don't even have any plans for now and he will also say the same that he doesn't even have a girlfriend talkless of getting married anytime soon.
But to his greatest surprise, in September I told him I'll be getting married by December, he taught I was joking at first, not untill I showed him evidence.

As a man, one of the most important thing to me is my stomach, I don't play with it all, it's only when I'm fasting that I forget about food, asides that, food is very paramount for me. So I'm happy to have a chef as my wife, someone who looks cooking, it's just a very good combination, a man that loves food with a woman that loves cooking, the equation is balanced lols.
Even though we did not celebrate the new year alone in the house, we went to my family house to celebrate it with them as my other siblings that are living within the state were also in attendance, before now I use to do a lot of work when it's Christmas or New year but this time around I was treated as a married man, I was given a special treatment lol, it's good to be married oo, but wait for your time though.

My best new year celebration ever..png

It was a very happy time with the family, celebrating a time like that with loved ones is the best, definitely we might not be chanced to see one another like that not until another new year, so it's best to utilize the opportunity judiciously.
After all the celebration, while we were on our way home, we did some shopping and on getting home, we watched a movie, had a few chat and trust me my sleep that day was a sweet one.
Nevertheless I don't usually have appetite of eating as much as I wanted on Christmas and new year, the excitement alone is enough for me atimes. So the next day was when my appetite arrived from wherever it had been hiding, my wife prepared fried rice and chicken which I sat comfortably to do justice to simultaneously.
I really enjoyed this new year celebration, I hope next year will be greater. I wish you all a happy new year once again.

All images were designed with canva.


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