Social media means a lot to me personally and I believe it has also helped and still helping a lot of people in diverse ways. I can't just imagine how life will be in this age without social media, it will definitely be so boring. Though people lived fine without it some years back but I think we're used to it already, taking it from us now will do us more harm than good.

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Life has become so easy and more fun with social media, for instance I'm an introvert, I enjoy staying indoor than going out, you would hardly see me going out with friends or go to visit a friend, I spend more time on my mobile phone, I can hardly get bored with it, maybe after long hours of pressing though. To show how much of an introvert I'm, there was a time a friend of mine that was from another state came to my state for his NYSC program, he wanted to go out and have some fun on his birthday, so he called me to take him out, one of the places he said he will like to visit was zoo, we nearly get lost that day, because I did not know the place, thanks to the people around that later showed us the place to the zoo.

The first social media platform I joined was facebook, its over 10 years ago now, gone are those days when I was very active on facebook, I can chat for long hours without getting tired and I even have more friends there than my physical friends. Social media like Facebook gave us the platform to reach out to our friends and family both far and near, it made communication much easier, without spending money on airtime, you can just subscribe and then you're good to go, and even have the chance to see one another through video call. Much later I moved to 2go and then to WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and so on... All this platform really made life much more easier, getting information is less stressful with social media, gone are those days when you need to buy newspaper before you can get some information, now all this newspaper companies are on social media and some even have their own website, getting first hand information now is just at your finger tip.

Also the hive blockchain has also made life easy for me, apart from getting to know many people from different places in the world, I can also earn through blogging, what a great thing social media has brought to our dear generation.
I can't just imagine what would happen to me if social media is being scrapped, because most times when I'm bored, I just pick up my phone and log in to any of my social media platform, especially tiktok, tiktok is one of the many app that's consuming my data subscription, because I do watch a lot of videos there especially the funny ones. Without going to comedy shows, I can be on my phone and be having a good time and I won't even know when night will come.

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Moreso, it also helps online vendors market their businesses, their was a time I was also selling shoes, even without a physical shop, I was able to have customers that were patronising and I was also making good sales then before I left the business because I couldn't cope with the stress any longer after finding a better means of making money.

Anyways change is constant, meaning if there's no more social media, we will still adapt to whatever is trending but then I will miss social media alot, so I just hope it stays forever.


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