Happy new year once again beautiful people, maybe we will stop happy new greetings after this month lol, but for now we're still celebrating the new year.
It has become a tradition that in the new year, a lot of people make resolutions, and the funny thing about it is that most times it's just a word of mouth as most people don't later go with what they've planned for the new year, which means new year resolutions goes beyond the note you write or the promise you made probably to turn a new leaf or something but the most important thing is actually doing that which you've planned to do.
Celebrating the new year is beyond wining and dining, we need not to forget the necessary things that needs to be done like making sure that the present year is far better than the former.

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There's one thing I'm working on seriously, it has been cheating on me for sometime now but ever since I start waging war against it, I've been seeing the difference and this year I'll still continue to fight it till the very end. That one thing is procrastination, which they say is the thief of time, it makes one to keep shifting one's duty or responsibility to tomorrow and when that tomorrow comes we still shift it to another tomorrow, till that thing become too late or almost reached its deadline, then we start running helter-skelter so as to catch up. A lazy person will keep procrastinating, always telling you they will do what they want to do tomorrow, forgetting that someone who fails to start cannot finish or become successful. Unfortunately they also want to become successful but without getting started at the right time.

Avoiding procrastination will go a long way helping me to get things done easily and at the right time, I won't even have to do anything under stress.
Procrastination can bring poverty to one's doorstep with ease, because obviously a procrastinator can't be a hard-working person, they are mostly the lazy type.
And the funny thing about this kind of lifestyle is that they won't be doing any reasonable or important thing at that moment which they need to do the right thing but they just feel tomorrow is the perfect time. I've come to realize that most times there's no perfect time to start, you just have to start immediately so as to move to the next phase.
Doing away with procrastination will go a long way to help me achieve my goals and dreams.

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Well in achieving this, I need to put some things in place, like fully admitting to the fact that I'm guilty of that bad behavior, without admitting it as one's fault, the problem won't be solved. You'll just be shifting the blame on someone else whereas you're the cause of the problem. Many people keep failing solely because they don't want to accept their failures as their fault, but keep blaming others. A successful person don't have to be afraid of failure, the people that are called successful today, had one time or the other in the lives failed many times, but not giving up and keep working on yourself to get better is the key. When you fail and start finding fault in others, it won't solve or change anything it will only make things worse.

After admitting that I'm guilty and I have to develop the mindset and determination of wanting to change at all cost and then doing the right thing at the right time, not doing the right thing at the wrong time, not leaving things that needs to be done today for tomorrow, else it gets piled up again. Procrastination is the thief of time, don't let it rob you.


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