Youth Crime

Boys and girls between the ages of 13 and 16 are called adolescents. If they are involved in any crime, it falls under juvenile delinquency. Suppose a teenager kills one of his friends or a teenager kills his brother - these are teen crimes.

Youth crime or juvenile delinquency is going to be a very important topic at the moment and it is considered to be the biggest epidemic at the present time. I will try to share it with you hopefully I will be able to provide my maximum information

The way in which child crime is increasing in the age of information technology in the world right now is a matter of concern. I think in this age of information technology has been able to create panic among the people. No one knows when and where a child will fall prey to crime. I think it is an epidemic affecting almost every country in the world.

Hello friends how are you all I hope you are much better based on the channel given to us from our favorite community today I am going to make my post I hope you will like these words of mine and I will be able to present my words to you correctly I hope you can read my blog and decide something

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Week 09:- Edition 01:-

Youth Crime

A lot of youths these days find themselves committing crimes for various reasons known to them. From peer pressure to just the basic need to survive... What are your thoughts on this? Why do you think crime among the youths has been on the increase? And in what ways do you think they can be stopped?

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The influence of the gang plays an important role in juvenile delinquency. Adolescents at this age want to move freely without the influence of family and become one with their neighbors, playmates, and peers. Through such relationships, children and adolescents can learn various things very easily and spontaneously, which cannot be done by parents, relatives or family members. So if one of the partners is of a dishonest nature or prone to crime, the teenagers often become prone to crime due to their influence.

-Juvenile delinquency is on the rise for a number of reasons. -
Family quarrelsFamily mismanagementTorture by influential peopleRepressive behavior.

In particular, in families where parents have quarrels, in families whose fathers are in exile, in families whose mothers are not worldly, and in families whose mothers support the wrongdoing of their children Due to the excessive oppression of the influential people of the society, the child becomes emotionally deranged with the bitter experience and at one time gets involved in crime.

I have seen in my research that the mother of most criminals is bad. These mothers are supporting the wrongdoings of their children. This may not be the case in all cases, but in most cases, I have seen the child become helpless in the mother's shelter. The way a child's mood is formed from infancy to adolescence is reflected and reflected. From this statement, it is understood that the child will nurture whatever the mother teaches. Again, children who do not have a mother may be prone to misbehavior/crime due to lack of public/private humanitarian support. In a word, a child is a tree without. Just as good results cannot be expected without proper care, children can be prone to crime from adolescence due to lack of proper care. In this case, parents, society, state are all more or less responsible.

Many people may get angry when they hear me say that mothers can never be bad but you can say it but in fact, the kind of crime that a boy or a girl commits in the first place is caught in the eyes of the mother first and the middlemen do not take any immediate action if the mother If you take things in stride and try not to focus too much on the problem, the boy or girl will be worse off


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What are the causes of juvenile delinquency?

  • Weaknesses in educational institutions
  • deprivation of social exploitation
    drug addiction
  • remedial of juvenile delinquency
  • preventive measures
  • development of morality,

Juvenile delinquency is an act committed by adolescents against the existing values ​​and norms in society. Reasons for juvenile delinquency The main reason is poverty.

Children and adolescents become criminals by being deprived of a fair environment and basic necessities and by engaging in bad company and trafficking and engaging in various immoral activities.

Deprived and neglected children and adolescents easily get involved in crime. Adolescents engage in crime and various conflicts due to neglect, lack of prudence, energetic physical strength and ability to survive, adventurous nature, etc.

Adolescents living in urban slums are more involved in crime due to a lack of family, lack of educational opportunities, irresponsible behavior, and control of parents.

Adolescents are involved in criminal activities for a variety of reasons, including the loneliness of city life, the busy schedule of parents, and the influence of Akash culture.


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What is the role of the family in juvenile delinquency?

Mohammad Kaiko bad, a professor at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and the organizer of the Math Olympiad, said most families do not pay attention to their children. He said in the first light, parents are busy earning money. Because they are seeing the evaluation of the rich people in the society to be higher. At one time good students, singers, dancers, or reciters were valued; Not now. There is no role model in front of teenagers. Parents are busy on mobile phones, and children are too.

The rate of education is increasing, but is society getting the benefits of this education? Although the rate of education is increasing, the tendency of various crimes including chaos, quarrel, and obscenity is increasing in society. Society is becoming increasingly unstable. Why is this happening? This question has become bigger. The tender-hearted children and adolescents of the country are the future leaders of the country and the nation. The progress of the country and the nation depends on their progress and development. Are the family, society, and the state able to formulate the right course of action and policy for building a future citizen? Social order and values ​​are getting lost day by day.

Various socio-economic and cultural impoverishments are acting as barriers. The so-called digital theory and the aggression of the free sky culture are like a sledgehammer on death. As a result, most children and adolescents are far from the practice of the Sukumar Scholarship.

Due to a lack of proper education, quarrels and new crime tendencies are on the rise among them. Misuse of information technology, economic misery, expansion of slums and unplanned urbanization, abolition of the joint family system, lack of proper guardianship, and social instability and degradation are creating crime and quarrels. Parents are largely responsible for the misbehavior of their children. It is because of their indifference and Oscar that the child is becoming talented.

According to newspaper reports, due to senior-junior clashes, political groups, and retaliation in different parts of the country, teenagers are being involved in crimes like assault, torture, murder, kidnapping, snatching, etc. As a result, their future is endangered and the peace and tranquility of the family are ruined. Besides, anarchy and insecurity are increasing in society. Juvenile delinquency has become a national problem, especially in recent times.

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If the family takes appropriate action
Adolescents cum

  • Movement of adolescents
  • Behavior
  • Move
  • Conversation
  • Variation of clothing according to gender
  • Physical gestures etc.

They get lost because the parents are not aware of it.

  • Where the child goes
  • What does
  • Whether you went to class on time
  • Whether he returned home on time after class
  • Went to school again but did not leave the school for any false reason
  • Who are you mixing with?
  • It is necessary to keep these inquiries while chatting.

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It is imperative to take action to prevent the destructive image of moral values.

In order to prevent certain degeneration, it is necessary to give equal importance to moral education as well as biblical education to the children. It has to be through practical work and includes various social work.

Moreover, making them interested in reading educational stories outside the textbooks in many cases plays a role in creating values.

The purpose of moral education is to direct the life of the student towards an ideal and to establish it in the life of individuals and society by improving his character.

Establishing the mindset and habit of truth tellingword of mouthsensitivity to people and environmenttransparency
accountabilitypatriotismmoralityempathyself-sacrificepeacehuman rightsmutual rights and dignity
-social welfare and human development Teaching ethics and values.-

The qualities of a child's early moral and human education begin in his family. He receives special moral education from his family, especially his mother. Then the education is received from the social environment and the school teacher.

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Ways to deal with

Juvenile delinquency can be tackled through measures such as creating a constructive family environment, religious and moral education in the family and school, recreational activities, prevention of anti-culture, etc. Again, children and adolescents who are already involved in a crime can be brought back to the right path through juvenile courts, juvenile detention centers, correctional institutions, etc. to correct their character.

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