High Grade Do Not Reflect Intelligence

While getting good grades does not reflect how smart someone is, it still play a huge role in a person’s life,for example the Cader of Institution they can attend and also dictate there Credit point.

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However have huge score in test or exams does not mean a person is smart or intelligenct. Most students who are smart but not
intelligent only rely on memorization when it's test or exam time.
People need to know that scores/grades are meer numbers used in categorizing people but ineffective in distinguishing between the smart from others.

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Thou it's good to have good scores, it plays a lot of role in the GPA one pass out with in any institution or colleges and also the opportunities available to such.
But the problem here is that such people might not be able to really practicalize what they were been thought in school when the need calls for it. Even when they are been asked questions as touching the questions set in the exam, they won't be able to answer due to there cramming.

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So to me the best things is take the time and effort to learn and know something well and be smart and intelligent at it, it helps one to be able to explain and use there initiative to do things in a new way, unlike people that memories things who only follow same pattern
Conclusively, thou we can't over emphasis the importance of Education, we have people who weren't so successful with school like Charles Dickens, Thomasa Edison, Albert Einstein, Elton John,Benjamin Franklin, Rihanna to mention but a few, but were outstanding in there various endeavours, bringing up new inventions, theories and postulations that enlightened and changed the world .

So whereever anybody found him/herself, wether within the four walls of a classroom or out there, we can make a positive change,be smart, intelligent and excellent once we set our mind and soul into it.


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