Flowers and Aesthetics!

Hello Hive Learners and Friends!

Again and again, I want to share with friends all over the world about photography around my environment in Indonesia. I hope my friends are not bored with me and my posts. __

-- Without you, all this would be meaningless.

This time I want to show you some photography about one type of plant that is liked by many people from the past until now, namely flowers. There are people who like this beautiful plant because it produces flowers that have various shapes that invite a certain attraction so people want to have them. But there are also people who like this beautiful plant because it produces colorful flowers so people can't refuse to have it. There are also people who want to have this beautiful plant because of its very tempting aroma, some even deliberately tuck their ears because of the characteristic of beautiful plants called flowers.

But on this occasion I want to show some of them as I mentioned in the paragraph above. In addition to what I mentioned above, I also want to show you some beautiful plants that only rely on leaves as their crowning beauty which you can see later in this post. Indeed, I believe that all the flowers that I display in this post are very popular flowers in our daily lives and I am sure you will recognize them.

Even if you recognize it, perhaps what makes the difference is the way people package it into beautiful photography so that it can provide a certain aesthetic value for those who enjoy its beauty. I also try to make this photography beautiful by editing it although I still have a lot to learn about it. It is true that self-taught learning is both fun and difficult when faced with a problem that requires a solution. But the most important thing for me is that I enjoy it.

So what is the result of my work today related to the photography that I display? I think you give meaning. However, I really hope that what I present is able to provide something beautiful so that it gives relaxation to your imagination while spending your relaxing time with loved ones.

(All photos are my own)

Always happy to share about nature around me and the things that are closest to me in the hope of giving something beautiful to all of my friends.
Stay grateful for the blessings of life today, whatever the shape and color.

Love, Seha76!

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