When We Were Wasted

Original Image Source:Nicola Barts - Pexels

Alcohol is a drink that is used on many adult gatherings and parties as it helps in breaking the ice between people so they can talk with more ease and makes the conversation more easier due to its ability to lower inhibitions, making people more relaxed and open to the other. But drinking alcohol also comes with a with a big downside that is the more that a person drink, the more that a person will become drunk, making it difficult to think properly and have difficulty to move accordingly which sometimes result on doing crazy stuff. As you all know, I drink alcohol and although it was significantly reduced now, I have been drunk on many occasions and among some of those occasions, I would not call it crazy but I have done some hilarious things as well as saw hilarious things that my friends did while they were drunk and I will share some of those stories in this post.


I started drinking when I was still in college and it was also the time when I drink the most, along with my classmates going for at least once a week. Youth has played a big role for this but there is also the fact that we have more free time to spare which are usually held on a classmates house since we are not rich and only drink cheap alcohol. That said, there was never a time where anyone of us would become aggressive or look for a fight when they becomes drunk. At most, some would fell asleep while some would cry when they remember their ex relationship. There were also those that would do hilarious things and one that I find ridiculously funny was the first time that I saw the person that teaches me how to drink finally hits his limit and get franked by our classmates. He was the strongest drinker in our class and for all the times that we drink, we never really saw him gets drunk. However during his birthday, he finally gets wasted before our eyes and fell asleep in the table. So what does my classmates do? Right away, they get a marker and scribble on his face and shoulders. One of my classmate was also brave enough to scribble a male genitals on his left cheeks. That does not stop there because after the scribbling, they try to wake him up by slapping his face, not with hands but with a grilled fish. After a while, he finally was able to wake up and notices that his face was greasy so he goes to the bathroom to wash his face only to see what was done to his face. Too bad, they used permanent ink on him and was difficult to remove so he ended up going back to us with the scribble on his face.

Of course, it would not be fair if I only talked about my classmate as I also have gone through some hilarious stuff when I was drunk. On my way home, after drinking with my classmates, I stopped by on an internet café to play games since there was a guild event on the RPG game that I play and I still and for 3 hours, I was able to play without any problems. But as soon as I finish playing and go to pay to the counter, I suddenly feel dizzy then all of a sudden, I blacked out and fell to the floor while also vomiting. I was able to gain consciousness after I was wake up by the custodian and lead me to the comfort room to clean myself. Thankfully, I have an extra clothes in my bag cause some of the vomit goes to my shirt and after I finish cleaning myself, I pay the custodian and immediately left the shop. It was really an embarrassing moment as there were many people in the shop so ever since then, I never once again play there.

Drinking too much alcohol can result for people to be unable to think clearly and sometimes, it can even result on accidents. That is why it is needed for people to drink within their limits. Nowadays, I rarely ever go to drink and when I do, I have a better measure of my limits and only drink until I was sober in order to avoid the possibility of doing crazy things when I get drunk.

Thank you for reading my post and see you on the next one!

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All unsourced image on this post belongs to me.

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