My Worth When AI Takes Over


Original Image Source: ThankYouFantasyPictures- Pixibay- Modified by @saydie

With the advancement of technology, we experience an improved quality of life from the invention of smartphones that makes it easier to communicate to any part of the world or cars that makes traveling long distance fast with little amount of work but it also comes with the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which has provide us assistance from our daily jobs from self driving cars or chatbots that provides us the information we need in an human-like response. As days go by, AI has continued to be more sophisticated with the task that they can do and whether we like it or not, it will eventually take over humans on doing majority of the jobs. Now, wondering how I could be still significant and what skills I can offer when the time that AI dominates the industry, I can think of two.

The first one will be my ability to writing original content. As we know, AI tools like ChatGPT can also write content as long as you provide the topic but in reality, what it really do was just to copy different content that was already available in the internet and try to combine them into one. Not only that this creates numerous errors, making it hard to comprehend, the emotion that was poured into those stories would also be lost, not to mention that it was made without the original creators consent, therefore can be considered a copyright issue. On the other hand, I can write original content that is based on my individual experience and personal thoughts and poured the emotions that I had during that time. After all, we humans have this thing called Empathy which allows us to put our self to the position of others and was vital because readers can position themselves to the position of the writers and get to empathize with the writer's emotion. Thing that AI would not be able to copy.

The second skill that AI would not be able to take away from me was my knowledge in Computer Science that allows me to develop computer software and hardware programs. Thought its been years since I really made something related to this field due to my current type of work focused on hardware troubleshooting, I can see that when AI takes over majority of the job, this is something that I could re-learn and develop to stay relevant. In the first place, AI was nothing more that a set of programs made by programmers and the thing that they can do was only limited by what the program that the programmer puts into as well as the capability of the hardware and software. In order for them to improve, humans like me with the knowledge in programming will be needed to made the necessary adjustments to their code and make sure that both software and hardware would be up to date so that the AI would work as intended.


A good example would be this project that me and my classmates have made when we were third year. What it does was to detect the blood alcohol content (B.A.C) on the driver of the car and when the sensor detects that the person has exceeded the limit, the AI would automatically stops the car from driving until the diver was sober enough to drive again. Although the AI seems to work properly on the project on detecting the alcohol content, there are still problems that we have to address such as how would it differentiate the presence of alcohol on perfumes compared liquor. Perhaps, adding a heat sensor to check the body temperature of the driver would improve the AI but the AI would not be able to do it and it would be upon us who make the program to add this feature.

Humans may not be able to beat AI in terms of speed and efficiency but in terms of making new ideas, humans can't be beaten by AI and it's development would still fell to the hands of humans so as long as we continue to improve our skill that we could see as relevant, there will be a place for us in this world to work with and to be relevant even most of the jobs we had were taken over by the AI.

Thank you for reading my post and see you at the next one!

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