My Ideal Day Scenario

Living our daily lives can be very tiring if not boring. Sometimes, there were days that we get so much things to do that it becomes very overwhelming while there were times that we get tired of doing the same things every day over and over again. Either way, continuing with this type of lifestyle can take a toll on us not only physically but also mentally and emotionally so it is important for us to have a break. Does not matter if its just a single day, just a little sideway to forget our worries and have some fun where everything goes according to our plan. An ideal day scenario to be precise and for me, this is what an ideal day should be.

My ideal day starts with a good weather. No signs of rain to hinder any of my plans but also not too hot so I won't feel uncomfortable whenever I move. As I have made it a habit of waking up early it would be nice to begin the morning with a warm breakfast. Nothing really fancy, it would be good enough to have some fried rice with egg, a hot chocolate and banana for dessert. After breakfast, I will now be burning those calories starting with good jog and take a good doze of Vitamin D from the sun as it slowly rise and watch how its light shines within the small droplets on the plants during a morning dew while listening to the chirping of birds.

Original Image source: Elias Tigiser- Pexels

My jog would end when I reach the gym where I would spend at least 2 hours to keep my body in shape while listening to my favorite songs through the wireless headset in my ears. Then I will jog again to go home to take a hot bath to wash away the sweat in my body. Following this, my next activity would be to go fishing with my friends in the river not that far from where we live. Does not even take 20 minutes to reach there and the trees around were big enough to give people shade in the sun. To add spice to it, perhaps we can compete for catching the biggest and the most amount of fish before lunchtime to keep everyone's motivation to all time high. Of course, it is I that win at the end since it was part of my ideal scenario so sorry for them. Before lunch time, we decide to part ways to go back to our families to eat together with them. Food also does not need to be fancy or anything as long as it is warm and healthy.

Original Image source: Lum3n- Pexels

The day won't be ideal for me if I only think of myself and forgot about my family and at the same time, there are some movies that I've been wanting to watch so for my afternoon activity, it will be a movie time with my family bringing forth some popcorns and French fries for snacks. For what to watch, my pick would be Dune: Part 2 and Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga as for some reason, the good movies this year has something to do with sand.

Original Image source: Pexels

After watching movie, I meet up with my friends again. Remember the fish that we catch earlier? We have catch more than enough for each of our families dinner so for the night we will grill the fish our snack to go together with some ice cold beer. The fish was already cleaned and inside were stuffed by different ingredients such as tomato, scallions, onions, ginger and garlic to give the fish more flavor. Then we spend the rest of the night drinking and chatting about random things.

Original Image source: Isabella Mendes- Pexels

For me, it does not need to go far or spend lots of money to have my ideal day scenario. As long as I am healthy and I can spend my time with the people that are close to me, any day that I spend can be an ideal day.

Thank you for reading my post and see you on the next one!

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