24 Hours a Day Was Just Not Enough


Original Image Source: Aphiwat chuangchoem - pexels

Problems are part of our life. They are inseparable and as long as we live, we will always meet with a problem no matter how much we try to avoid it. Problems goes in different magnitude. Some were small enough that we did not get to think about it much while some are huge enough to shake our life. On the case that we were able to solve one problem, there will be another problem that comes without letting us to take a break and sometimes, it was even a bigger problem than what we faced before. There were also times where multiple problem comes at the same time which can make it more difficult and the only way to make things better is just to solve it one by one. The thing is, not every problem has a clear solution to them just like my problem with Time Management which I believe was also a common problem for most people.


To begin with, what you can see above was a rough draft of my daily schedule on weekdays. I start my day as early as 4:30 A.M. for my morning preparations before going to work which includes some short exercise, eating breakfast and going for the bath which would take around 11/2 hours. After that, traveling to my workplace would eat more or less 2 hours if we include the waiting time for the public transport which will not start driving unless the bus is full with passengers. Going home, travel time becomes a bit shorter with around 11/2 hours spent on it since it was within the rush hour, which makes the busses faster to get full so if I was able to ride the bus fast, I should be home at 6:30 P.M. if not earlier. My work on the other hand is constant with time which goes for 9 hours including lunch and break and never do I need to take overtime. At home, we get to eat at 8:00 P.M. which is to make sure that we got to eat as a family and would last for 30 minutes so the time before and after dinner was the the time for me to do miscellaneous things such as making blogs, watching Anime or Spending the time with family and friends but I should also take it in consideration that I should at least have 6 hours of sleep to have my full attention for work in the next day which makes the time allotted for miscellaneous task to be only around 3 1/2 hours. What's the problem with this? My problem here is just I barely have any time to do anything aside from work.

It's not as if I'm blaming my job for taking away my time to do other things. After all, they are paying me for my time and like I said, I never rendered any overtime work from my company but there was a lot of things that I want to do and 24 hours a day was just does not enough for that, let alone that unexpected events that could further take away that time for me. Like for example, I have set my self to participate on making blogs last week but my friend asked me to create the layout for his wedding invitation. I'm glad that I was able help my friend for his upcoming special occasion but I was also bummed out that I skipped making my blog since I just don't have enough time to do so. Even so, there is just no way to extend the hours we have on a day. There some alternative that I could think of which could help to give more leeway to the time I have but they also have their own repercussions if I decided to go for them. Here are some of those:

  • Migrating Near Work - This will cut travel time the more I gets close to the company I work with but I now need to worry about rent and will need to do everything on my own such as cooking and laundry.

  • Drive to Work - Instead of commuting, I can save time if I just ride on motorcycle going to work but although its not as expensive as migrating, I need to get my focus on the road all the time so I cannot do any other thing. When riding on bus, as long as I have my phone, I can do many of the basic things that I can do with computer such as playing games, watching anime and making a blog if I want to or if I lack sleep, I can do nap until we reach our destination.

  • Reduce Sleeping Hours - Reducing my sleeping hours than what it currently is may have allow me to do more things but it can possibly affect my work performance let alone my health.

  • Find Nearer Job - The demand for job close to my vicinity was very low, let alone the job for my skillset. The wage was also comparatively low in the province where I live compared with the city where I work.

  • Be A Full-time Blogger in Hive - Not a bad option but this depends on the value of Hive and the value of vote one could get from their post.

So yeah, for me, a day only having 24 hours was a problem and one that I cannot solve. There are some compromise that can help me to save what time I have but they also come with their own downsides. By the way, I was writing it already past 12:00 A.M. so I sure am lacking some sleep right now. I just hope I could find I comfortable sit on the bus to take a nap tomorrow.

Thank you for reading my post and see you on the next one!

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