Marriage: Thoughts Roaming Wild and Sipping out ...

I am not a marriage expert, these are just my thoughts on marriage running wild and sipping out and this prompt has given me an opportunity to express them. Mind you, they are inconclusive

These are my thoughts 💭 👇

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Socrates said, "by all means marry, if you get a good one, you become happy for the rest of your life and if you get a bad one, you become a philosopher" So by all means, do get married (disclaimer: this is not a marital advice)

Frankly, being happy or not , being a philosopher or not, for some reasons, a few years back, I once hated the idea of marriage, if you ask me why, trust me, I have no idea. For one, to me then, it sounded like a trap that people just decided to willingly get caught in.

Right now, do I hate it? an emphatic NO, do I like it? Well probably. You can call me an observer , let's see where it leads

Before you think that I am probably, most likely an irresponsible, indisciplined XY chromosomed individual who hate commitment, well I am not 🚫.

Let's be clear here, You see, more than 70% of people end up marrying the wrong person, you don't need to google that, it is plain obvious. There is a reason why the rate of divorce is on a bullish run right now, sigh! there is also a reason why we have the marriage of convenience and the contract marriage right...

Now the question is, how do you define happiness in marriage? What parameters do you use to measure that? Is it the number of year it has been able to survive?, even a marriage that has lasted more than 2 decades might just be due to perseverance amd down to earth endurance from one of the spouse.

Is it by the number of smile? There are alot of fake smiles flashing behind cameras lens if only there was a lens that showed us what happens within closed doors, even if there was, human beings are the masters of counter measures.

Back to thought roaming wild

I read something once, this man, a marriage counsellor wrote in his blog (not hive). He said and I quote, 80 percent of undivorced marriage, yeah marriage that seemingly looks successful contain a cheating spouse, 10% are in an illicit relationship. All these based on confession from those that decided to come for a much needed marriage counselling.

Of course, life is full of ups and downs, thats what make us human, that what makes all positive achievement worthwhile. The ups and downs are also in marriage. The problem is a lot of marriage are just in a continuous downward spiral usually no up ward trend. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of successful and happy marriages, probably one out of 10 if you ask me and I am willing to bet on it.

You see for those that would rather just have children and not get married, I have learnt not to judge them. I believe the concept of marriage is flawed and needs a review if possible, but I guess that would never happen.

So what are my final thoughts on marriage?
Well that is INCONCLUSIVE!

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