Made up Stories for Children

Children are said to be most innocent creature in the world however, they can be the most dangerous at the same time if not controlled or guided properly. Just because they are innocent, they can be handled well by telling them any made up story which they believe is correct as told by parents/siblings/teacher. Main focus and point is to prevent them from doing anything wrong or hurting themselves or hurting people around them. Kids like me sometimes, are too naughty to control. I accept that I was not an easy child to handle and because of that, now I am experiencing the same with my kids, too naughty.

Image by Piyapong Saydaung from Pixabay

In order to control the kids, made up stories and fairy tales are very common or I should say were very common because new generation kids are too clever and didn’t fall for these lies instead ask for some proof or evidence lol. Talking about my childhood, I got to hear a lot of stories but I just remember some common ones like:

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If you misbehave a lot or don’t listen to your parents, a boogeyman will come and take you to his house. In my childhood, “ALLAH BABA” was very common name used but now, its new version is “KAALU” which we used for our children. This thing definitely works but just for few hours and then kids get back to their naughtiness. I do remember that my parents didn’t use this word but my aunties always used to scare me with this thing to make me sleep ASAP. I do believe that this boogeyman thing is not the right thing to do with kids but still, there should be someone or some name to which a child have some fear and can be controlled. Its funny but its true, I am the boogeyman for my kids hahaha it is better to have a real character with whom they get love and fear both. I am happy that my parents didn’t scare me of this boogeyman thing.

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Another made up story is carried forward from ancient times, no one knows the actual person who spread this story. It is about cutting nails at night. We were told not to cut nails at night as it would be bad luck or could cause some curse or blah blah whatever. Well, as a child, we did followed what was told but when grew up and had a deep thought on it, I realized that why there would be anything like that in getting clean up, there is no time conditions in such things. Then, I figured it out. it could be because of darkness, people may get hurt themselves by not seeing properly at night so, better to ask them to do such thing in day light. Well, this explanation could be right and could be the main reason to spread such made up stories. There is always some positivity hidden behind some lies, we just need to think otherwise.

Image by Ronny Overhate from Pixabay

There are too many lies told in childhood, cannot share each of them but one interesting story is about watching TV, doing it for a long time could make you numb and you won’t be able to move without TV, means your body will start following just TV. wow this was some creepy story and it was told by one of my bro, don’t remember that but this just stuck in my head. Avoid watching TV alone, this is the reason only my elder bro is permissible to handle the remote control and we were only allowed to watch TV with him. This thing really worked well as watching TV all the time is not appropriate and at that time, Cartoon Network newly started 24/7 transmission lol.

Image by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay

One of the funniest and rare story which we all still laugh on is about me getting older than my bros. I was told by my brothers that there was a time when they were young and I was there eldest bro, I came to this world before all of them. I believed all that and whenever my family having discussion on past events or watching old photo albums where I was missing, I used to tell in full confidence that I was there but you all were too young to remember, this happened like that and blah blah making my own fantasy stories. All other family members node their heads as if they do agree with what I am saying but later, when I grow up and understand that they all were making fun of me, there is no such thing, I was like aaahhh what have I done. But now, it’s the funniest thing to laugh up on. All the moments just came across whenever I think of that time hahaha

In the end I would say that most of these lies are good for children and for their betterment however, some of them may cause a little problem but growing up will make them know the reason why they were told such lies. Cheers!!!

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