Creative Sunday : Mascot for Hive energy drink

Everyday Sunday, I always think to make some cartoon or drawings to be the part of Hive Learner's Creative Sunday but the day passes away too quickly and I didn't get time to create one.

Picture from Cairo, Egypt taken by a friend through my still camera

For this Sunday, I made my mind couple of days ago when I was checking my picture folders for a post. I saw a picture of Fido Dido, the popular character and mascot of a popular soft drink. I remember seeing him in advertisements and my brother used to draw him perfectly.

The idea was there and now it was time to execute it. It looks so simple to draw Fido Dido but it is not that simple in reality. So, I was too lazy whole day to start working on it. However, motivation comes from a cricket match as today is the final match of Asia Cup between Pakistan vs Sri Lanka. Because long time ago, we used to see him in between cricket matches in advertisements. The match and I both started playing at 7 in the evening.


Pencil, eraser, scale, sharpener , pointer, color pencils and markers.


Art Steps:

I first drew few rough drawings of Fido Dido to warm up.


Then I successfully outlined Fido Dido and it was a healthy one, not so slim and lean like the original one. He ate a lot in 2022 and gained some weight :P


Then, I thought of making a bottle beside him. It is the energy drink for Hivians.



It's time to make rough drawing into a permanent one by using pointer.


Then I thought to give it a name, Hive energy drink:


I got stuck in making a hive logo on Fido's T shirt. I corrected it so many times and finally, satisfied with this one and used red marker pen to get it permanently on his T shirt.



Final Art

Original Fido Dido was black & white as what I remember but this is new era and so many things are changed so I filled him with colors. Supporting both the teams : Pakistan & Sri Lanka


I really enjoyed my drawing and it really feels good to have something to be the part of Creative Sunday. Now, it's time to take selfie with my New Fido Dido.



Such activities reminds me of school days and the time me and my brothers spent making cartoon figures, sketches, paintings etc. I think I am going to start painting once again in near future just because of this creative Sunday. I would like to thanks the whole team of Hive learner for giving us this opportunity and making us feel so good of ourselves. Thumbs up for the creative minds. Cheers!!!!!

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