No perfect day without my Love

Yes, I want to be productive at any day, which is the thing that always comes first into my mind once I wake up, yet, I do not think, i would have a perfect day without the love of my life by my side.

Truth be told, that amazing person has make my life beautiful, whenever I see her, I always feels like throwing up everything in me, like I am in a graduation field and be making a joyful noise.

So the perfect days I had are on weekends, because that's when she will comes visiting, yes!, it does burns down on some weekend.

I know how to cook but she can do it better, and on those weekend she comes around, I will just emptied my stomach and I will not bother myself making meals at home, because I know I will be eating a meal that is made by angel in less than few hours.

Movies seems bored to me when I am watching alone, but immediately, we are on friday, I would not have to bother myself of who woould joined me in the movie time, I will just download as many movies as I want, because I know she must be around and I would not have to laugh all alone, if the movie scene is fun, she would be there to smile while I smile.

As all these good moments would be burning down on saturday, she would tell me about her activities of the week and how she managed to bypassed all of it, and if there were any of it that was difficult, the reason would also be shared.

I do count my perfect days on meals, travels or interactions with my others friends alone, before i can say that my day was perfect, it must be complete with my love by my side, because, that's where my heart belongs.

Forgive me, if I am making this post so personal, but this is what I consider a perfect day for me.

On saturday last weekend, I asked her, what makes her happy right now, her response was, "she is happy, because she has gotten a new job and she's productive, and then, she also asked me, what makes me happy, I replied that, "whenever she is by my side, I am always happy.

It surprised her, because she thought I was going to say money, works or others thing's like gadgets, but I didn't mentioned those, because, I am someone who believe that to make money is a decision and it must be within us and as far as we continue giving times to our hustle, we will make money, it is just as simple as that, but love can't be bought, especially, true love, it is earn and it comes from the heart.

There was a reason why our father father's make this saying, "no rush in life, the people who said it, understood that, to make our goals come true, would needs time to do it.

Also, I go on exercising on weekends, and I can't do it alone either, she must be there.

Last week friday we went to the primary school and i joined the male in playing football, while she was at the girls side still doing a lot of exercises.

In summary, the saturday was a perfect day for me.

Thanks for reading, see you in my next post, cheer's

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