Many Ways of Fraud Via Phone | My Entry for the Hive Learners Contest "W17E1"

Hello friends, all HiVE platform users wherever you are. See you again @rahmatandesti, I hope all of you are in good health and smooth in your activities.

On this occasion, I will again participate in a featured contest held by our beloved community Hive Learners, of course all of you are familiar with this contest. Now the contest held by the Hive Learners community has entered its latest Sunday, 17th Sunday in the first edition. Of course, all of us are very enthusiastic to take part in the contest. In this contest, we discuss something very interesting, namely about telephone fraud. Alright let's talk about it.


Along with the times, fraud is also growing, so we need to be very vigilant about it. One of the factors. Fraud can occur because of our lack of understanding of technology, so there are people who take advantage of it to deceive someone. Telephone fraud is something that we hear very often, maybe even people around us have experienced it, whether family, friends, colleagues or neighbors who are around us. Therefore we need to be very careful about fraud that occurs over the phone because so many people have become victims.


There are many methods used by the fraudsters. I've heard of the methods they use, such as saying that a member of our family has had problems with the police so that we are asked to transfer some money to redeem our family, if we have trouble transferring their money until they give us the option of sending them credit. If we don't comply with their request, we will be threatened with putting our family in prison so that we will feel scared and we will be compelled to do everything they tell us. There are also those who claim to be our friends and say that they found valuable items such as cellphones or laptops but when they found these items someone saw them so they had to give some money to the person so that the person could keep his mouth shut and he could be released, he reasoned. did not bring money so he asked our help to help him by sending some money, later what they found we could divide in half. If we don't know, of course we will obey the words of the impostor because he claims to be our close friend so that we will easily believe what he promises because we feel that our close friend is unlikely to deceive us. Even though the friend in question did not know anything about it.


I also have experience with such scams. It happened to my own mother. She got a call from an unknown person and said that I had been arrested by the police because I was caught carrying a prohibited object so I was detained at the police station. At that time my mother was at home and I was out of the house so my mother did not know where I was so she thought I had actually been arrested by the police. Because at that time my mother could not call me because the fraudster kept calling my mother and threatening not to turn off the phone or I would be immediately taken to prison, so my mother was getting scared and didn't know what to do. At first the scammers asked for some money to be transferred to them, but my mother, who is not very tech-savvy and doesn't understand how to transfer money, so the evil swindler asked my mother to send them credit. Fearing that her son would go to prison, my mother finally asked her friend for help to send the credit requested by the fraudster. While sending credit, my sister approached my mother, then my mother explained everything to my sister. My sister knew it was a scam so she immediately stopped my mother from sending them credit, but it was a shame that the credit had been sent up to Rp. 200,000. It's really very unfortunate but we can't do anything, we can only surrender and be angry with the fraudsters we don't know.


just info for all of us. To avoid these scams, it is best if we get calls from people we don't know, never mention our own names, our family names, or the names of our friends. Because the fraudsters will definitely try to find information about us at first before launching their actions. For that we have to be more vigilant, if we want to give a name, it's better if we just make it up and we'll see if the person calling will continue the call with the name we made up, or immediately argue with the real name. If the caller directly continues the conversation using the pseudonym we gave, it means that it can be ascertained that the person calling is a fraud. So that we can overcome and avoid these fraudsters.

That's all my discussion in this edition of the contest, hopefully it can entertain all readers and hopefully we will all avoid fraud. Thank you for visiting the articles that I share, constructive criticism and suggestions are very useful for me so that in the future it can be better. Have a nice day all of you.

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