Their Looks Made Me Feel Inferior.

The Nigerian society has taught me a lot of things. In the recent years, we can see so many things online. Also, we can tell who someone is online, where he lives, his girlfriend and everything about him or her even without meeting them in real life. That's how bad some people take social media. Well, some people make money from it and that's why they want to make sure that they look fresh and presentable online even though they don't look like that offline. That's why we see some people uae filters, rent wigs, borrow clothes, borrow cars and also rent a shortlet to take pictures and make videos so that we can think it is for them. At the same time, some people are rich. They have those things and they flaunt them online.

Back then, whenever I see any of my old friends online, I'd feel bad. Do you know why? It's because I see them in the latest cars, wearing beautiful clothes, looking good and it makes me feel like everything is going well with them. This makes me feel inferior and made me feel less of myself. I then thought of what to do and that was how I began to work online so I could begin to look good.

After a while, I realized that I was still not meeting up to the standards of my friends. Then I made my findings and realized that it was either a guy who did not work hard for money gave the money to them to spend lavishly, engaging in prostitution and the likes or they are living fake life and when you see them in real life, their lifestyles will be nothing compared to what they are online.

Since then, I tried hard to make sure that I stopped feeling inferior especially because of people's look and even if I feel inferior, I should feel inferior to people of the high caliber so that I can work hard and be in that position someday.

And this helped me to realize somethings about me. No matter how hard things are, I'd never engage myself in fraudulent activities like Yahoo Yahoo as Nigerians call it. No matter how things are, I'd never engage in prostitution and that's why I'm here making money even though my offline work is taking so much time and wouldn't let me have time for other things but I'm still striving hard to meet up.


I no longer feel inferior because I taught myself that the only competition I have is me. I'm trying to make my future better than my past and that's what I'm fighting for instead of using another person's lifestyle as a yardstick to mine. Well, that's how I've been able yo conquer the spirit of inferiority complex.

A lot of people were like the previous me but now, they have been misled by negative vices and that's enough reason for me to thank my star especially for where I am today.

If you are that type who feels inferior especially over things like this, just take a deep breath. Calm down and I'm very sure that you will be proud of yourself.

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