The Two Financial Advices I Can Give An Adult Like Me.

As little as I am, I’ve been facing or carrying some responsibilities for a long time in my life even though I have a father who seem to do everything for me but can’t do it all. Also, one of the basic things aboit adulthood is that money must be made whether we like it or not. You gotta survive and if you want to survive, you gotta make some money.

In the process of making some money, we may want to have fun. We may want to lavish some money and all. At times, the money we make is never enough but money must be made at all cost and that’s why we sometimes see some adults who merge two to three jobs all together just to make sure that they survive. I feel the motto of adulthood should be “Survival of thr fittest”. Being an adult for years and being someone who has some financial experiences, I’d love to share two tips or valuable lessons about finances.
The two valuable lessons I’d love to share are…


Saving money for emergencies

I think so mang people disregard the importance of saving and when you ask them why, the majority of them will tell you that they are not making enough money so it won’t be possible to save money from the stipend they are making.
What if I tell you that’s a lie? Money is never enough for anyone and the I’ve noticed that when people make more money, they tend to level up their way of living. This way, they won’t be able to save up for emergencies and what they are making will never be enough for them.


Also, when I’m talking about emergencies, it must not be payment of hospital bills or so. You may be invited to an important outing but when you don’t have the money, you may not get to meet important people. Saving money is very important and can be for anything as long as it is something reasonable.

Don’t spend lavishly

Do you know that it is better to keep your money when you don’t have anything to do with it than spending it anyhow? This is adulthood. Anything can come up at anytime, bills are choking, some of us are feeding more than two mouths and all of those. So imagine tou spending all what you make at the end of every month knowing fully well that you’ve got bills to pay and even your house rent to pay. It’s crazy.

Kids who don’t really have something reasonable to spend their money on are those who spend anyhow. My birthday is happening in July and my plan is to buy a wig, get an expensive dress and have a photoshoot and everything won’t cost me less than #250,000 but my uncle tool me out to his new factory yesterday and everything there was over #60,000,000. Oh yeah, I mean a whooping sum of sixty million naira. Immediately, I changed my mind to invest the money I’m planning to spend on my birthday into Stanbic bank mutual funds account.


If my uncle had spend lavishly, he wouldn’t have gotten to where he is today. Have you ever noticed that rich people don’t spend lavishly? Have you ever seen Elon Musk spraying money in parties? And we all know how rich he is.

These are the two financial advises I’d give anyone who really wants to make it in life.

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