Should Taxes Be Shared Equally?

Taxis are meant to be paid to the government so that they can use it to restructure the country by building more infrastructures and also improving the economic condition of the country. Everyone pays tax whether directly or indirectly, especially those who work with the government because it must have been deducted from the salaries, even before they get the money. Paying tax is really good especially in a kind of country where the government use the taxes for what it is meant for and not just putting it in the pocket for selfish interest but getting a transparent government like that may be hard though.

Should the world rich men be taxed more that every other person and will it be fair?

Hmm, this is a tough question and it’s in two ways in which I’d love to explain. It’s not wrong if the world rich men are taxed more than commoners. We pay tax from our income, right? So it won’t make sense for me and someone whom we don’t earn the same amount of money or at least the same range of income. If the price of our taxes are the same, the load will be too much for the poor ones because after removing the tax from their salaries, the remaining income will be very little.


So I feel the rich ones should pay more but this does not mean that the fee should be extravagant or too high. It should be around a price that the can pay conveniently and that is suitable to be paid as tax.
Is this fair?
At first, I was thinking it may not be fair but I think I’m being fair here. If they pay the same amount as commoners, it may not be fair on the commoners side too so I feel the best thing to do is for rich people to pay higher taxes but not too high.

Who will benefit more if the government takes the same percentage from everyone’s income?

The rich ones of course because they will have more money. They earn more money so removing little percent from their salary may not move them. Imagine that I’m earning #50,000 and 10%, it means I’d be left with #45,00 which is not enough for me. Honestly, it would not make sense that way and if at all they want to make it the same percentage, it should be cheap for everyone.


What’s the best solution?

The best thing is to set a percentage according to the range of your salary. This way, the load won’t be too much on anyone either the rich or poor.
If they do it this way, no one will feel cheated.
This may not seem to satisfy everyone especially those who earn higher money but the aim is that everyone is able to survive and the amount deducted from their income will serve as little or nothing to them.

If you also feel you have any solution to this, I’d love to know that.

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