Patience Is A Virtue.

The world has gotten to the technology age where things happen almost immediately after we start or when we want them. We can get to reach the people we want to reach online or even do so many things because technology makes things faster and easier for us. The luckiest set of people are the people born in the generation of technology where they do not really have to go through so much stress just because they want to achieve something.

We see that a lot of people do not even need to go out to work because they can always walk online and earn a living. This is just to show us how easy things are, and I am sure that it will be easier for the children coming in the next generation. This way, they may feel relaxed and hope that things will always come easy and even immediately but things do not work that way and that is why I would love to give a word of advice to the coming generation.
My words of advice to the coming generation goes thus:

Patience is a virtue

Patience can be seen as the ability or capacity to accept whatever delay or problems that come your way. Imagine advising people who get almost all they want to be patient. Will that be possible? Yes!
Let’s take a look at Nigeria as an example, we voted in a new president last year and within a week, Nigerians were expecting things to get better just within a week which isn’t really possible.


To the coming generation, I just want you to know that life doesn’t give you all you want at all times and even if life gives it to you, it may be a bit delayed. We tend to see a lot of jobless youths engaging in some kinds of rituals so they can be rich but what ends things like that? Sadness, madness and all. Why not be patient to wait for your time?

If you’re the type who wants something now and always want to get it now, you will always have one problem or the other. There are so many people who have planned their lives and hoping to be somewhere at a particular age but things get delayed. If you’re the type who always want something fast fast, you may have some problems so learn to chill and be patient.

Why this particular lesson?

I chose this particular lesson because of what life has thought me. I’ve seen so many people who were patient in life and it took them that far.
Some people have manageable problems in their homes but instead of them to be patient and try to solve the problem, they choose to get a divorce. Why not just wait a bit. A little patient can turn things around.
Patience is a virtue but always underrated and if you want to go far in life, you’re going to face a lot of challenges and if you ain’t patient, you may not get there.


If you follow this advice, it is surely going to have positive effects on your lives. If you read about great people, you’d realize that they were being patient and it brought them this far. Also, never forget the adage which goes thus, the patient dog eats the fattest bone.

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