Not Having Fun For A Whole Year Just For A Better Future.

My friends know me to be someone who loves to go out all the time but this part of me changed as I grew older and also for the fact that I have to save for the future. In a month, I always make sure that I go out at least once just to have fun and if possible, meet new people.
Back then, the club is one of my go to places and once I’m bored, I just take to the club but so many things changed already. These days, I no longer go to the club because I now feel the noise isn’t good for me. These days, I’m always thinking about one thing or the other so the worst thing I can ever do to myself is go to a noisy place all in the name of fun. I won’t do that to myself.

Have I actually had fun this year?

To be very honest, I’ve not had any kind of fun this year and not even one. I haven’t stepped my feet outside the house all in the name of having fun. If I ever leave my house, it means I want to go to the market to buy the goods I need for my shop or go to somewhere important.


Why haven’t I had fun?
Honestly, life has been sweet to me but I recently found myself in the stage where I have to stay away from so many things or deprive myself of many things so that I can accomplish my aim. Having fun can be very interesting but it is also expensive. There is no way you will want to have fun and not spend money no matter how little it may be and every little money means a lot to me right now.

I have set some goals for myself this year and I need money to accomplish all of them. Earlier this year, my father gave me a whooping sum of money to start my mini mart. Truly, it was a lot of money but it wasn’t enough to start a wholesale shop so I added some money to what he gave me which drained me a lot and made me deprive myself of so many things including alcohol I love to drink.

Secondly, I’m planning to have a huge sum of investment with Stanbic bank of Nigeria and I already calculated all the money I’d make for the rest of the year and invest it in Stanbic bank mutual funds which means that there may not be any form of fun for me at all till December and in December, the only place I’m planning to go is Wizkid’s show which I have planned to spend a lot of money on.

Why am I doing all of these?

With the look of things, I may get married soon maybe next year or upper and I’m trying my best to have some amount of money that won’t make my kids worry even aside from the one my man has.
I’ve learned something that it is sometimes good to be silent for a short while just to secure your future and that’s basically what I’m doing right now.


No fun yet this year but one to come and I hope I enjoy it to the fullest.

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