It Should Not Be Tied To A Gender.

I don't know how seriously they take gender discrimination in your country but they take it very serious here. There are so many things a man can do that he can be forgiven and a woman will do that same thing but she will never be forgiven. At the same time, there are a lot of things that the society can let go just because a woman did it but once it is a man, they will take actions. I am sure it is like that in every country but it is serious than each other but I would love to point out the ones that people mostly talk about here.

Cheating is vety bad either in a relationship or in marriage. It reduces the trust that your partner has for you. Well, some people will still trust their partners but it depends on the individuals. I am a Nigerian and I'm from an African society. In an African society, when a man cheats on his spouse, he can be forgiven but when a woman cheats on her spouse, she becomes a disgrace to womanhood but I guess it should not be that way. Now, we see some men who forgive their wives when they cheat but they are hard to find. You rarely see a man who forgave his wife when she cheats on him.

I feel cheating should not be gender based and the society should not make a woman feel less of herseld when she cheats. Well, it is not a good thing but mistakes can happen. The society will then take it to heart like it is forbideen for women to cheat even though men are allowed to marry more than a wife but women cannot marry more than a husband. Well, it now sound weird to me that women cannot marry more than a husband not because it is wring but because the society that we live in has made it look very wrong to us.

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Also, it is generally believed that a man should take care of the home and carry full responsibility of his family. It is good but not all men have the capacity to do that that is why it is very good for their wives to help them by catering to some responsibilities in the family so that the husband alone will not do the work. This is how it is supposed to be but I guess that my society misunderstood the whole thing and that is why you see most girls in my country say that they cannot date or marry a man that cannot take full responsibility of the family.

They feel it is very wrong if they help the family with their funds. These set of people feel that only a man should attend to the financial activities of the house but it should not be so. Taking financial care of the house should not be tied to a man alone. There are even some women who are doing it better than men. Do not let anyone tell you that a particular activity belongs to a particular gender. If you feel it is right by you, do it but make sure you do the right thing!

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