Good Dressing And Adequate Skill Makes An Amazing Interview.

I got to the bank yesterday to make some complaints and I didn’t like the way the bankers looked like. When I was much younger, when my friends are being asked what they would love to become, the majority of them will tell you they want to be bankers. I’ve always loved the job too but never wanted to do it because I really wish to act. Back then, when we go to the bank, we see how bankers are properly dressed and fully kitted jn their suit.


When I got to the bank yesterday, I saw one of those bankers chewing gum in a very lousy manner and it was really annoying. The cloth she wore wasn’t even a kind that should be worn in the bank. Another staff came to me too and it was like that. They weren’t even looking neat and well dressed. Fortunately, this feels like a coincidence because the Hive learners community contest that when going for an interview, is physical appearance very important?

Is physical appearance important when going for an interview?

Let’s forget about talking online. Seeing is believing and people will surely address you the way you are dressed. Now, imagine you’re having an interview for an office job and you’re not in your corporate dressing. You chose to wear a face cap in an organization where people are supposed to dress corporately, how do you think they will see you? They’d see you as an unserious fellow.


At the same time, when going for an interview, you’re supposed to be in one of your best dressings because first impression really matters. If I also go to a company where the workers are not well dressed, I’d be disappointed and may feel they don’t really know their job. Different thoughts will begin to come into my head.

Well, the workers may be good at what they do but a lot of people won’t regard them well and they may not even be treated well by customers. Clients will regard you the way they see you.

Would it be better if skill was only considered and not their dressing?

Honestly, it wouldn’t be better. As I said earlier, people will address you the way they see you. Have you ever seen cases where people know that someone is really good in a particular skill but they are paid less because they don’t look good and people don’t think they are expensive or charge high.

Also, imagine you going for an interview and you’re dressed nice, riding a Benz SLK400 model, looking sharp and clean with full steeze and you’re giving them straight and correct answers to whatever question they ask you, do you think they will decide to pay you low? No!!! That’s because they have seen how you look like and not just a local worker but one who’s very brilliant and willing to work.


Above all, if you’re going for an interview, you should be well dressed and have something upstairs. The two go hand in hand and if you have the two, you’re good to go.

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