Everything Is The Problem.

There was a time when I was saving up to get a car but I later used it for my business. What’s the essence of having a car without having a means of fueling the car when I don’t fully depend on Hive. Saving up for the car is to show you how much I dislike public transportation. I know everything has its challenges but if I had my way, I’m surely going to get a car as soon as possible. I’ve been coping with it since I was little.

What’s the major problem with transportation where I live?

As you can see the title of my post, everything is the problem. Traffic, cost of transportation, bad road, customer service, lol. I mean how drivers and bus conductors behave and how stressful it is using public transportation.
Let me pick them one after the other.


I live in Lagos and for those who don’t know much about Lagos, let me call it the hub for traffic. Once you live in Lagos, there are so many things you should sign up for and traffic is one of those things. I’m not going to say that public buses or transportation is the cause of traffic but the buses are not comfortable.


Boarding a bus, it is always important to be as comfortable as possible because you never can tell for how long you will inside that bus and inside the bus, not everyone is clean or normal. Some people give this very bad odor which won’t make you breathe well. It’s crazy. If the traffic can be reduced and buses are moving freely without stopping, there will be breeze and when there is breeze, there won’t be no reason to perceive whatever odor or even feel like fainting.

Bad Road And Buses

Firstly, I would like to give a shout out to the government of Lagos state. They are doing a very great job by making sure that they repair all bad roads but do you think it is possible to do them all? I don’t think it is possible though.
Truly, the major parts of Lagos have good roads but what about people living in the rural parts of Lagos.
Here, we use a bus called Danfo and the body is so full of iron. If the road is bad, the bus will begin to shake and your body will be hitting the iron.
It causes body pain. If you have ever heard that someone developed body pain after boarding a public bus, it is very likely to be the road and also the iron and all that your body may be hitting.


How can this problem be solved?

About the traffic, I really don’t know what can be done. If I suggest that the government makes the road wider, the process of doing that may take a while and we will even experience more traffic than usual. It may be the solution but I’m running away from it.
About the bad roads and bad buses, they still need to repair the road. That’s one thing we cannot run away from and most importantly, I feel they need to scrap the usage of Danfo totally.
Before doing that, it is important to make sure that they don’t leave those public bus drivers stranded.

I feel this will work but the government may even have a better solution.

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