Everyone Can’t Be Equal.

If I run an interview asking what the problem of everyone is, a lot of people will say that they want more money and truly, everyone wants more money. The rich wants to be richer even though they have more than enough. There are some questions for me which I’d answer the way I feel so let’s have those questions.

Should I feel there should be a cap on how much people earn and why

This is just like saying there should be a limit to how much people earn. I don’t think that will solve the problem in the world.
Firstly, if we all are earning the same amount, it won’t be reasonable for those who work harder than the lazy ones. Imagine a receptionist who earns the same amount with a factory worker who may not have a minute to sit down on the factory compared to a receptionist who doesn’t really have too much work to do and works in a conducive environment. Will that be fair?


Secondly, if everyone earns the same amount, who will be the leaders? Who are the ones we will regard to as the wealthy ones? If we all earn the same amount, no one will want to do menial jobs because we all feel we are equal. Truly, we need equality in this world but not in this aspect. I’m sorry if you feel I’m not thinking right but some people have to be richer and it is our duties to make sure that we are part of the rich people.

At the same time, a lot of rich people ain’t merciful. I understand the fact that they have worked hard to be where they are today but it will be good for them to help the poor and that’s how some poor people may become rich and the wealth will continue to spread.
Do you know that if we all earn the same income, some people will still be richer and some will remain poor?
It depends on the mindset.
Rich people always want to make sure that they save up so they can invest in different places or businesses and that is how some people are able to build wealth today but poor people will only think of eating or having fun after they get their salary.


Are you now saying that someone like that should earn the same income with the person who deprives himself some sort of enjoyment so that he can save up? No, life doesn’t work that way. We should leave things the way they are. Some people also don’t know how to manage wealth. It will be so unfair to earn the same income with those set of people.

Being rich has to do with your mindset and dedication. The poor ones are the ones who feel sad when they see how the rich people control things. I would love to be one of them someday and that’s why I’m working hard so I’d be with them someday and I hope I achieve it.
That’s all and thanks for reading.

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