
The rate at which people are giving birth to children in my country is quite alarming and worrisome. One of the problems we are suffering from in my country is OVERPOPULATION, and I believe the natality rate in my country is quite higher than that of any other country, and that is where our problems emerge from big time, and if something isn't done on time, the country will be heading towards deeper ruin sooner or later...

This topic is taking me back to school, under the laws of demand and supply, but let me try to twist it a little bit to fit what I am trying to share more light now; the higher the natality rate of a country, the more the suffering and hardship of those offerings encounter in the future, which means there should be a control to the birth rate in my country if suffering is to be minimized and likely eradicated. The lesser the mouth to feed, the better the situation of the family and that of the country...

Over the years, I have seen a lot of families make the mistake of birthing more than they can care and cater for, imagine a middle-class family with unemployed parents and about 5 children born to them, what do you think will be the end of this family? it is obvious none of the five children share the blame in this case, their parents are the ones to be blamed for bringing to this world children they can't cater to...

Most parents give birth to more than they can cater for out of mistake, and that is where we have a case of children being born by mistake, If these couples know they can't control their urge to make out after having the perfect number of kids they want, why don't they go for family planning, at least with family planning they can do their thing without it leading to pregnancy...

I live by this principle; don't bring them to this world if you can't afford to take of them, bringing children to this world without proper planning and adequate resources is a big sin, if you can't take care of them, don't bring them to this world to suffer for your silly and foolish actions...

In summary, children are not meant to be brought to this world to suffer, don't force them down here if you can't be responsible for them till the end...

And that is enough for an introduction, moving on to what I have for you all today on the topic HOW MANY KIDS?. Join me in the next few paragraphs as I share my two cents on this topic...



I think regulating the number of kids each family can have is a very good approach to curb the problem of overpopulation in a country, and this is because some families don't know when to stop childbirth, what more do you want when you have both genders already in the family, why should more children be brought into this world, especially with lack of resources. practice chastity until you can afford to take care of kids, don't bring them to suffer because of the fun there...

In my country I don't think there is anything like birth control, a family can bear as many as they want and that is why some families are having 6-7 children lol, well, that should be in the past, because any family that tries such in this modern age and time will see SHEGE PRO MAX lol, as everything is very expensive now...

I honestly think it's high time the government got involved in this, even with the state of the economy, a lot of families out there are bearing more than they can care for, and that is why we have so many beggars out there, the government needs to intervene for things to be normal again, or else the rate at which beggars will increase will be quite alarming...

I believe having 2,3 or 4 kids is enough for privileged and employed families, while for middle-class families who are employed, 2 or 3 is enough, and for struggling families, 1 or none is the best, there will be fewer mouths to feed, which means less problem for them until they are ready and capable...

In summary, I strongly believe regulating the number of kids a family can have will be a step towards making the state of the economy better, with less population, there will be fewer people to cater to, and more areas will be improved and worked on...

In conclusion, we should not make the mistake of bringing children into this world for the wrong reasons, we just need to think about the kids first and not the fun and enjoyment that lies at the end of everything, at the end of the day, that act can take a toll on ones future...

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