
Even before an English word was given to these preposterous acts, it has been in existence for ages either in form of cheating others to get what you want or taking it from others by force or either by hook or crook ...

These acts has been happening for a long time now and it is mostly common amongst the powerful and the poor or between the poor themselves...

Finally, the English word was given to it and that was how the word BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION came to existence and since then, it has come to stay but we need to eradicate it forcefully to ensure the security and safety of others...

Eradicating bribery and corruption should be our main focus in every country...
These preposterous acts are eating us all up in one way or the other and it is affecting both the image of us and that of our country...

Bribery and corruption has been occuring even before I was born and I don't think any fierce action has been taken against it in the country...

We have different pending cases everywhere regarding bribery and corruption, citizens and leaders are amongst those people involved in this immoral act, we need to take actions before it consumes both the country and it's citizen up...


We have either bribery or corruption in some countries while in other countries we have both acts taking place...
It has become the BACKBONE of some countries, that no matter how strict actions are taken against it, it can never be easily eradicated...

We need to work with force and strict actions to make sure that both BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION becomes a thing of the past and we can all Live life in a discipline and honest way...

For years now, we have been working on how to eradicate this so called menace eating our country up and I know soon we will make breakthrough regarding it's eradication...



For years, bribery and corruption has been a reoccurring problem facing us and it has been a terror to both our people and the country at large...

Bribery and corruption has taken alot of opportunities from us and that is why we need to eradicate it with all force of seriousness...

These acts has increased the frustration and hardship of every citizens in the our country, we can't trust anybody because of previous painful experiences..

Corruption has broken the trust of people and that has affected a lot of things, the citizens has stopped contributing to things that will benefit both them and the country all because of broken trusts..they don't care what is going to happen to them as long as they are not cheated...


Bribery and corruption has lead to gender inequalities too in one way or the other, in the cause of bribery, some people who don't deserve certain opportunities are given the opportunity because of the bribe received and the ones who deserves it are deprived of it...

It is not a beautiful act, do you think that will elevate the country, it has also increased the rate of poverty in the country too...

The things belonging to people to make survival easy has been eaten up by those in power and they end up going down the drain because of the deprivation of those resources...

Opportunities are made available to those who have the resources and abilities to get it over the rightful owners, because those rightful owners aren't wealthy enough and powerful to take control of it and that is why they are deprived of those great opportunities...


The people are lamenting in various ways because it is affecting them in all manners of their living and that is why we need to take this matters very seriously and make sure bribery and corruption is forgotten..

In short, BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION has affected my country so bad because the poverty rate has increased alot, the people don't believe in the justice system again because of broken trust and with this, it has been a setback for us all...

We need our citizens support to move forward as a whole and that can be assured when these menace are eradicated...



With these few solutions I am going to suggest, it will go a long way in reducing these menace to their least minimum if not eradicating it completely...

  • There should be strict selection of disciplined, honest and modest people who are going to be trained to become THE SPECIAL ANTI BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION SQUAD( TSACS)..

These people will be selected after passing through different logical and reasoning tests to see their capabilities in the field, they will monitor all the digital and special activities of the people, to detect any suspicious act of bribery and corruption...

They will be responsible for account monitoring for both incoming and outgoing transactions of high monetary transactions...

They will work with the banks on these to get full details of their investigation before taking action...

  • Electing a selfless leader to guide and monitor the citizens, these people will be responsible for directing the cries of the masses to the government so that they can investigate any other leader with corrupt intentions and making them face the justice of the law regarding the crime committed...

They are going to make sure that the citizens get what is rightfully theirs in the process..

  • The public should be educated on how to fight and protect their rights, so as to call attention to any bribery and corruption taking place in their surroundings and those people should be made to face the law regarding their crimes and their punishment...

  • Making sure the opinion of the public counts in selecting their leader and also investigating, like conducting a background check on the candidates before electing them to see if they have a clean record of crimes...

  • There should be a written constitution that shows the people on how corruption and bribery is frowned at and punishment of anyone found involved should be readily stated...

This will Instill fears in others and therefore, there will be no case of bribery and corruption amongst them or in the country...

  • lastly, there should be a mass education of the citizens on how bribery and corruption is being FROWNED at in the country, to make sure there aren't any cases related to that..

We Know this general saying;

"When the head is faulty, the other 
 parts will be affected as well"  ....

In conclusion, we need to be very strict and serious on handling this issue so as to ensure the overall development of both the people and the country, without the people, there is no COUNTRY...


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