
Life as a student was one of the best experiences of my life, if I had the opportunity to go back to school as a student once again, I would take up that opportunity at the drop of a hat without thinking twice about it, and that is because of the beautiful and sad experiences I experienced as a student…

It is indeed a fact that not all of us would want to be a student once again for several reasons best known to ourselves but for me, I will take up the chance of being a student once again without a second thought, irrespective of the good and bad memories I had those years ago as a student but the fact is pretty simple here, those bad and good memories are what makes school life exciting and worthwhile…

I won’t lose the opportunity of being a student once again because of the bad experiences I had in the past, these bad experiences sometimes prepare us for what lies ahead in the future, and as we all know, Life is unfair and we need to be thoroughly equipped before we can face the challenges of life and the strategies to overcome these challenges are learned from the life of student…

With all these being said, I won’t be taking much of your time again and will be heading right into what I have for you all today, today’s topic focuses on the life of a student, join me as I share my punchlines in the paragraphs below;



When it comes to the things I enjoyed as a student, the fact is that there are lots of things I enjoyed in school as a student, is it the joint eating, being amongst the school prefects, the daily football updates and gists, sharing relationship talks, crushes, and advice with my fellow guys in class, working in teams for class projects and assignments, the unnecessary arguments and quarrels we get involved in or the fact that I enjoy being amongst the topper of my class/department every term, there are about a thousand and one things I enjoyed as a student…

Out of all the above listed, only one particular thing in this whole list truly meant a lot to me both back then and even now after the completion of high school, I just can’t help but cherish this beautiful yet difficult thing, I know you all might be surprised with my use of English, well it is pretty simple, this particular thing was what I enjoyed most as a student but it also came with a price…

I am sure we all have had our share of the beefing, accusations, and criticisms that come with being one of the best and most intelligent students in class and also with a little touch of eloquentness, if you are in this category in your class, then you are a big threat to every other student who happens to be lesser than you in that field, you become a target if you don’t help them whenever they need you, some people even see you giving answers to questions asked in class as boasting and pride…


I was a victim of all these, I happen to be one of the most brilliant students in my class, on a scale of 1-10, I am still around 8-9 which happens to be the maximum, I have some other students like me who also happen to possess the same level of IQ and intelligence, these people never became a threat because of their introvert nature and fear of being picked on and criticized…

I happen to be eloquent and also an extrovert, I love answering questions in class because I read ahead of my scheme, but whenever I answer any life saving questions in class, I always end up being called proud and arrogant, a question you all don’t know and I happen to know the answer to that question, you expect me to keep mute and allow all of us to be punished together when I could have save both you all and myself from punishment…

I faced this type of situation throughout school but that didn’t stop me from being amongst the class toppers, the main point of my whole write-up is that being a constant topper in my class is one thing I enjoyed most as a student, and till today I still possess that fighting and topping spirit because that is who I am as a person and nothing can change me…


I could have ended up with depression and anxiety if I had succumbed to their criticisms and all-time nagging, but because I know who I am and what I am capable of achieving, even with all the criticisms and bullying I still helped them when the need arises and that doesn’t stop them from acting in such manner but I guess it was a price I had to pay for being brilliant and intelligent through hard work…

Throughout my primary school and high school, I will boldly hit my chest that I have only taken the 2nd position just twice or thereabout and the 3rd position was just once, while the other terms were all 1st position back to back, several 1st position hat-ricks, this is not a means to boast or anything, I was only able to achieve this through my hard work and unwavering effort to always be a constant topper…

I trained myself to be the best amongst the best and if not for the privilege of being a student, I wouldn’t have had the courage and energy to fight against it in real life, I will always be grateful for the fact that I am always amongst the class toppers, it is not an easy task but I did it and survived all the criticisms and accusations…


In summary, Thanks to my fighting spirit, unwavering commitment, and effort to accomplish whatever task I have ahead of me, I have been able to not only accomplish a lot as a student, but also been able to make it my best weapon in the real world, my accomplishments and achievements as a student has been speaking up for me In every field I find myself, my achievements have always preceded me in life and I am being recognized for all my achievements and effort…

In conclusion, till today my achievements and accomplishments in the past are still speaking for me and the qualities I possess since that time are still my strongest weapon in fighting life's challenges and hurdles, and thanks to these exceptional qualities of mine and my achievements in the past, I am who I am today…

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