
Whenever I think about the past, it pains me a
lot, I wish I could go back in time to change some certain things and make them wright again and possibly the hardship now might be avoided...
It hurts me a lot and also at the same time I made the pain my pillar which made me more determined that I have to succeed in this life ......

I remember what my teacher in school always say :

 Lost time is never found againπŸ’”πŸ’”...

The only thing you can do is make up for the lost time. Whenever I think about these things, I wish I had the opportunity to correct it but there was nothing I could do about it...all I have to do now is to make sure I don't repeat the same mistake and learn from their lessons....

Over the years, when my parents talk to me about life, I can sense a lot of pain in their words and them not wanting us to make the same mistake they did in their time ...

My father didn't have the chance to complete his education and that has been his greatest pain because he felt if he had completed his education, the opportunities he missed then wouldn't have happened and telling us about that all the time has made us determined to study and become what he couldn't become in his Life...

He felt he lost those opportunities because of his inability to finish his education and that is one of the things he is always talking about most, he is now keen on making sure that we don't loose such opportunity in our lifetime...


I have discovered a lot of talents my dad possesses and I also know that if he had completed his education then , he would have been something greater than now....
Different skills that we didn't know he possess....

My father has been working non stop to make us great and he is keen on making sure we all have quality education and now he is succeeding through us...

My eldest sister is preparing for HND, my elder brother is in the second year of his OND while I the last born is currently working towards my school admission and with that he is still working non stop to do more......

If I had the opportunity to travel back in time and I mean going to the past, I have just two things I want to change there and those two things are what pains me even as at now, I wish everything could just be as everyone wishes and probably all will be well and fine now....


Below are the two things I would like to change and these within just 10 MINUTES....


The joy, happiness and the precious moment I will have is enough for me as an accomplishment, I know that when I change these things in the past, she will be with me now and as someone who is very special and dear to me , we will be together even after school and as for my father, he will probably be one of the major shareholders in Dangote .....

With just this 10mins to change things, a lot is going to happen in my life and I will be more happier than I am now... I miss her every moment of my life even on her birthday I remembered her and wished she was here to celebrate it ......



  • I would change my dad's every day pain and I will make sure I set everything wright and that is making him complete his education, I will make all the things he lost then comes back to him, I will set everything in motion and that will be making sure he didn't loose his father my own grandfather because all this happened because he lost his father at a very early age and that made him stop his education and that has been his greatest pain all this years and that has always been his motivation to work hard to make us great......

  • This my own everyday pain, she has always been there for me in my time of needs, she stood by me, encouraged me and made sure I was always okay ...
    She has been my strength in school and after school, she kept on being my one and only closest family I have ever had, after school a lot of things happened and before I knew it, I lost her and on hearing the news, I have always been in pain whenever I thought of her because she was the closest thing I had to another family member and loosing her at such time made me a loner....


I would make sure she didn't have to go like that, I will change her fate by making sure she doesn't leave me alone, I will make sure she doesn't fall sick 🀒 and probably she wouldn't be gone by now and we can get to have beautiful memories together and enjoy all life has to offer.....

In summary, these two things are what I would go back to the past to change in just 10 MINUTES...

In conclusion, don't joke with time, live every moments of your life in joy and happiness and there won't be any time lost, spend time with your loved ones for you don't know what tomorrow holds....


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