
Technology in education has broaden a lot of areas in the educational field, it is an undeniable fact that due to the existence of technology, a lot of things have been made easier not just in the educational field but also in the world at large...

When we talk about technology in education, we should not only be deluded to see only just its advantages, we should always have it at the back of our mind that whatever has an advantage would most definitely have a disadvantage and that is a fact...

Since the rise of the new age, a lot of things has been replaced in the educational field and because of that there have been massive improvement in the overall performance of schools regarding the adaptation to this new age...


Talking about technology in educations, years ago there was nothing like writing on a marker board with markers, there was nothing like laboratory, thesis and practicals are carried out in a more local and traditional aspect, there was nothing like smartphones neither was there anything like computers for classes...

All these advancement came to life gradually and it all started with little changes and from there improvement started shutting the old world up and now everything is almost concluded but the fact remains that for as long as there are new and coming generations, technology is going to keep advancing and probably in some years, smartphones and computers might be outdated and probably by then ROBOTICS will be introduced into world of men and then it goes on and on until there is an end...

Technology in education is something that everyone now wants to adapt to by all means possible, in the course of making those technologies available and ready for use, a lot of schools have increased their tuition fee times 5 all in the name of technology...


The fact that it has numerous advantages is nothing to be excited too much about , there is no doubt it also have numerous disadvantages...

All in the name of introducing technology into education, tuition and other fees are increased to the point where the receiving end have to give up on having a taste of such life...

Its a two way thing if technology in education will destroy things, if it will upset the coolness and calmness of the education field, then it should not be Introduced to the world because with or without technology in education, we are doing fine because not all schools in this part of the world uses computers and smartphones to make learning faster and further more, we literally prefer the traditional way of education than all this because when it comes to traditional education, it is readily available to all the masses...


It is a fact that without technology in education, we would survive because ours won't be the first because we literally have our forefathers who invented, experimented and propounded different theories without technology...

If they could do it back then it is a fact that we will surely survive this too...



Talking about the functions of all these devices back in my school days, I will be very VERY honest with you all and that is by saying these gadgets were helpful but not fully helpful, this means I depended on it 50 percent and the other 50 percent goes to the traditional aspect of education and that includes the use of textbooks and practical note book including work books, these were all the things I depended on back then in my high school days...

I have said this time and time again that I prefer more of the traditional form of education than the advanced form of it which includes the use of smartphones and computers, not everyone is privileged to have this but they are still breaking chains and shackles and making it to the top...

If this technology won't be available to all then what's the usefulness, we need it and we don't need it and that is the fact...

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Speaking for myself, the devices listed above including smartphones and computers are 50 percent useful to me because of time and in terms of finding a needle in a haystack...

That is to say, these devices were slightly helpful to me in school but not totally because I was more of a traditional person...



Talking about these devices being a form of distraction or aids learning is just all about the person in control of these devices...

It can either be a weapon of distraction or it can also be weapon of succession, the ball is in your court, do whatever to you want with it...

That is to say, the power to make these devices either a weapon of distraction or a weapon of success is all up to the wielder of that power...

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To me these devices don't contribute as a distraction to me because I know what I am doing and what I am aiming to achieve at the end of everything...

They were indeed very helpful to back then because I had so many challenges as a high schooler and using these devices has helped me break it down a bit and after picking up examples from the text book, it keeps getting clearer to me and that's it...

There is time for everything and I will tell you that back then I was opportune to own a smartphone or a computer but I used my siblings own and it has never distracted me from my goals and that is because I had determination to look up to at all times, I just aim to be different and special...


In summary, talking about the future of education with respect to technology is something we all should encourage but at the same time, we should teach ourselves how to live our lives to the fullest with or without the technologies...

We shouldn't be too dependent on technologies in education so much that we forget the traditional means which will forever be alive...

In conclusion, it should go and hand in hand with the traditional means and for it to be balanced it should be a SUPPORTING SYSTEM not the MAIN SYSTEM...


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