
Hmmm first thing first, a deep breath is needed for a better flow, I had to take a deep breath before starting this post because it is quite imperative for me to do that because of what I went through years ago on my first job. The stress, the fun, the gifts, the merits, and all the troubles are what made the whole experience worthwhile, and honestly, I can't help but smile upon the remembrance of my very first job as it was a bittersweet experience...

I got my first job at the age of 17, It was a job I never thought of doing for a living because I had hated it since my time as a student, seeing what my teachers had to go through daily just made me hate the job so much, I thought I could escape it but unfortunately for me, I couldn't escape as it wasn't within my grasp to decline the offer...

Everything about this particular job disgusted me in the past and it made me wonder why these people didn't let off it to find something better, I got to know the reason why when I was in their position years later, it was at this point I truly appreciated them for not giving up on us back then...

I am sure some of my audience might have grasped what the nature of my first job was but for the ones who haven't gotten the hint yet, I will spell it out for you all in the below paragraphs...

The very first job I ever did was a teaching job, oh yeah I started my working career as a primary school teacher, I spent almost a year doing it, It was a job I never did with happiness and joy at first but as time went on, I started liking and loving it, it was at this point I started putting my heart into it, I was now teaching the kids with all the brainpower I got from my teachers, I taught them with everything I had and that too to the best of my knowledge...


I fell in love with teaching after understanding my students and the scope of teaching, as I said above, it was a bittersweet experience and I learned a lot from it in the process...

The first month was just me teaching them casually without putting my mind to it, slowly I started loving the atmosphere and most importantly I grew fond of my students and before I knew it I started loving them and the job itself...

This was how I ended up falling in love with my teaching job, My students made me love it, and it got to a point where I stopped caring about the peanut salary I was getting, and the happiness of my students became my top most priority, there were countless situations where I had to use my own money to sort out some textbook bills just because I wanted the best for my students...

I used everything I had to teach my students, I used my body, soul, and spirit to make them understand better, countless body gestures and demonstrations were used for some slow students, there was no room forbackbenchers and benchwarmers, I had to do everything in my power to make sure none of them is left behind in class...


The love I gave to my kids made me become the most loved teacher in my school, he parents and the school proprietress came to thank me various times just because of the improvement they saw in their kids, they gave good remarks on my job as a teacher, they also extend their hands of gratitude to me the teacher just to thank me for a good job well done...

The above-stated are just fun and interesting phases, Is it the time when I came down with a sore throat and cold after shouting and explaining all day, is it the time I got injured while trying to punish one of my stubborn students or is it the countless explanation of one particular thing to the slow students, I faced all these hurdles as a teacher but I knew that was a sacrifice I had to make if I want all of them to do well both academically and in general aspects...

The best description of my whole first job experience is bittersweet, there were sweet and bitter moments, the fact is just that all these things made me love my job the more but all these happiness were short-lived as I had to quit my job before seeing them through their final external exam (BECE)...

It got to a point where the stress I was getting was much more than my pay, back then I had pending stuff that needed good money, I got a better job offer at a microfinance investment, and the pay was two and a half better than my first job, I had to quit immediately because the pay wasn't encouraging enough for me to stay and a better paying job was knocking at my door...


In summary, I learned a lot from my first job, I got to learn how to love teaching as a profession, I got to learn how to love my students, I got to broaden my knowledge on things I didn't know in the past, I got to be in the shoes of my teachers, it was just a whole lot of lessons from my first job and I will surely teach again if I get the chance...

In conclusion, I won't be willing to teach in my past school but when it comes to teaching at a better school with better pay, I will surely take up the opportunity because right now I am experienced in this field and most importantly, I HAVE COME TO LOVE TEACHING AS A PROFESSION...

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