
Politics is nothing more than a dirty game; this is a saying that has been in existence for many decades now. I grew up hearing and seeing this particular saying not just in books but also in movies, at first I never knew what it meant to be involved in politics. The only thing i knew about politics were the power struggles and the likely bloodsheds to claim power. Every politician must be RIGID and POWERFUL, and with such power comes different challenges, opportunities, responsibilities and risks. Politics is not meant for the faint hearted…

Politics is one of the things I would never get myself involved in for any reason, even if the world was to end without me getting involved in it, I would let it end without blinking an eye. I have heard and witnessed what politics has done to so many good men out there, it is the best definition of a risky risk, i have seen the end result of so many greedy politicians, and with the way things ended for them, i don’t think i will ever be ready for such a dangerous task…

A lot of people who are in power today were once part of the mass, which means they were led by someone before they took over. So many promises have they made before gaining power and immediately after they get what they are after, they automatically become a villain to that same public that helped them get where they are today, this is not something new, we all know how dirty politics is, it’s not hidden, it’s very clear…

Honestly, i can’t totally blame these politicians, i guess it’s the work of the position and the power they wield, i am starting to think not only are politicians cruel and unusual, i am starting to believe the position of power itself is cursed, and that is because every ordinary man after gaining power automatically becomes a different person, some change for good and others for the worse. The fact is that once any innocent and naive person joins politics, he or she is becomes tainted with time, which brings us to the next few paragraphs…


If I had the opportunity to join politics and that too to also contest for a powerful position in my state or country, would i take it???

No, i have said it before and i will keep on saying numbers without times, politics is a dirty game I don’t want to get involved in, it is a tainted occupation, and I refuse to be tainted…


We are all humans, nobody is perfect, when we wield power, there’s a 90 percent chance we get controlled by that power and on the long run we end up becoming a different person, power can sometimes be intoxicating if care isn’t taken, if power is given to the wrong person, the people will suffer as a result of that actions…

There is a lot of mishaps that comes with the word politics, and I can’t afford to lose myself because of something like power and politics, I would rather be a part of the masses than to be a corrupt leader by mistake…

The position of power can be very intoxicating and manipulative, temptations is bound to occur at any point in time, the question is; can you guarantee you won’t misuse the power given to you by the people, can you work without being greedy, will you be dedicated and available at all times, can you deliver at all times, won’t you be carried away by power. These are the questions to ask oneself before going into politics…

Promises are nothing to politicians. We have few good politicians out there and many corrupt politicians out there in the world today, the truth is they were once led by someone like them, someone who promised to always deliver at all times. These people promised to do right by us before gaining power, and after they got the power, they became villains and monsters because they couldn’t control their greed…

In summary, I know myself very well, left to me I won’t be driven by power, but I don’t know what life would throw my way later that would make me weak, thus leading me to falter and making me an enemy to my people…

In conclusion, I won’t risk this for any reason, I would rather stay away from it than to take this risky risk, don’t spell what you can eat is one my life’s principle and I don’t take it for granted, politics is a NO NO, irrespective of the advantages…

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