Thinking about this particular memory has brought me nothing but endless laughter but at the same time it has brought me a small share of sadness lolz, i just can't stop laughing over this particular incident that happened about 12 years ago...


It has made me understand better why most adults always wish they could stay a child forever, i guess it is because of their beautiful childhood memories and that is quite understanding too..

I on the other hand just want to share this particular memory of mine with you all, it might probably bring some people to smile just as it has been making me laugh since morning...

I have been planning to write this for hours but i just can't get serious with it because i can't stop laughing but now i am ready to share it with you guys...



Traveling way back to the past, this actually happened about twelve years ago, when we were still children, we the children of every household will go out to pick snails after every heavy rainfall, we mostly find big snails in bushes close by our house or the next street...

I am not sure if everybody understands this but i am sure my fellow nigerians will understand this beautiful moments better because we are all known to do this after every heavy rainfall...


Doing this has turn into a tradition instead of just going out to have fun picking up snails, funny enough whenever we finish picking up the snails, we actually prepare them ourselves, we break the shells and wash it with either alum or cassava granules to get rid of the sticky substance from the snail before frying it with palm oil..

Years ago my brother, the other children in my house and i decided to go pick up some snails after a heavy rainfall, i can remember my mum telling us not to go into the bush to pick up snails but my brother and i were adamant and we decided to hit the bush with other children...

We went to the bush in my next street first but unfortunately for us we could not get big ones and then we decided to go to the uncompleted building next to my house...


We mostly find big snails there in the past and we decided to go there, there were planks lieing down in the building with nails everywhere but we were less concerned about the nails but more concerned about the snail..

We entered the building and immediately we started spotting big snails on walls that we all were happy and we forgot about where we were, my brother was the most happy filled person amongst us because he loves eating snails, he could not waste anymore time so he took the lead...

Brace yourself guys because you will be laughing so hard lolz, he jumped in front trying to move to the end of the building and we all followed him like a follower being lead by a leader...


It got to a point where we started hearing creepy sounds, we were now thinking twice before going further but my brother was less concerned, wait for it guys, we told him lets go back that we have enough snail for everyone, he refused to listen...

Immediately we moved further, two lizards just rushed out and in shock the next thing we involuntarily did as a follower was to run🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ for our dear lives but guess what befell my brother our leader??

The moment we ran back, he decided to join us and the next thing we heard was a scream and we all made sure we got outside before we looked back only to find my brother sitting on the floor in pain screaming, we could not hold it in than to laugh..


We went to him and told him to stand up, only to see my brother standing up with a plank attached to his butt, as his brother i thought it was glue and i decided to pull it out, only to discover that my brother actually sat on a pointed out nail😮😮😮 and that was why he screamed and was crying..

Immediately i forced it out, he screamed again and we all laughed only for me to see one part of his butt bleeding and he was crying, it was at this moment he thought of going back..

We all went back home only to see my brother limping his way home, we were virtually laughing at him but i was laughing and also consoling him, we got home and my mum took him to the nurse where he was given an injection and his butt was plastered...


In summary, he could not sit for a whole week in class and even at home, he slept the opposite way without changing position for a whole week, funny enough he could not eat the snail he suffered to pick...

In conclusion, he was okay after two weeks and by this time, he now has a scar in his butt lolz and since that day my friends, my sister and i could not forget that incident even the victim himself but at the same time we were grateful it wasn't more than that...


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