In life i have come to realize different things and also at the same time i have learnt about some of the mistakes my parents made and also the ones made by their own parents which are my grandparents all in the true sense of not repeating the same mistake and that is why i am trying to work harder to change my own life and my next generation to come....


My future must be bright and my next generation must male a difference but let the difference start from own time and that is what i am working towards now and i believe i am on the wright track...

Years ago my dad and i were talking in his car and i was talking to him about his father and because i didn't get to meet him before he passed away, i had to make him tell him about my grandfather and all the his good deeds on earth and then as we were talking, he took be back to the past...

He reminded me the television that was in his room when he was still staying at his fathers house, he told me the story behind it, he said his father actually gave him that television when he set out on the journey of INDEPENDENCE...

He said that was what my grandfather bought with his first earning after he got married to my grandmother and before he died he willed that particular television to him as reminder that everything you work hard to buy in your life should be cherished and remembered for lifetimes to come and now he still has that television back in his room in his hometown even if its not working, the inheritance he left him with were something that would last him till eternity and that was the story behind the television.....


That was my father's inheritance, now over to me, what tangible and beneficial thing will i leave for my next generation???
Join me as i take on a journey to my future and i am sure you are going to love it...


Life has taught me many lessons and i have learnt from it and when i talk about life, i am talking about people and situation including true love and fake love, i have to make sure my next generation learn how to be safe from all this in the near future and that is what brought about this tangible assets below that i am going gift my next generation with:

   MY FIRST CAR......

This might sound funny to most of you but to those who truly understand the deep meaning of the word "FIRST", i know by the time my next generation grows up, the car i am leaving behind for them will be outdated and there will be a new ride in vogue then...

Leaving the car model apart, when i talk about my first car, i am talking about the car i bought with my hard earned money, my sweat and struggles will be label of the car, it will be a reminder of how i worked hard to acquire that car, the car would represent a lot of things like, my determination, hard work and my dedication...


I am not actually leaving it for them to use it in the near future but i would want them to use it in the near future as it will always remind them to never give up and work harder as their father had and they should never forget that honesty, determination, dedication would only go well with HARD WORK...

The car will tell a story of how i over came life's hurdles and bought my first car, let my story motivate them to never give up when the journey get's tough and it is only the the tough ones that will get going....
There is power in the word "FIRST"...

       MY DIARY...

Funny right??? yeah let it be funny to you my friends that is the point, my diary is my best friend and it is my only confidant when things get tough, that diary is my best friend, what i don't tell friends and families will always be in my diary and that is the fact...

As i have said before i have seen, heard and experienced a lot when it comes to people and situations and every of this experience are in my diary, i will never want my next generation fall into the ditch of fake friends and fake love...


There is nothing you won't find in my diary including, my first kiss, my first relationship, my first betrayal, my first heartbreak, my most memorable moment, my loved ones birthday and many more things, the experience i have had with people and my deduction of life and situations...

They need to learn not to share everything with friends and friends will help you still and also be the reason for your down fall, not all but minority are the ones they can hold dear that is with observation, the only guild that can help them is my diary, they need learn from my mistakes and even if mistakes is bound to happen, let it be in minimum...

That is why my diary will be a manual guide for the future and then they will figure the rest out themselves and live their life to the fullest...


Yeah this is another thing i will leave for my next generation, they need to know i was a hard working person and that for me to build a house, it means i work my a**s off to achieve that and then they can always use it as a reference in the future when they achieve such ...


Then my house will be like a family house when there will be family meeting for them in the future, the most important thing is that they should never forget how i worked hard to build that house and then they can face all the hurdles of life head on without fret...

In summary, these things are what hold importance in my life and thus they will be beneficial to my next generation, they need to be aware of this...


In conclusion, wow, that was a nice ride to the future and i think with this and words of wisdom and my fatherly guidance they will be able to achieve their goals but all in the way of the LORD.....

          THANKS FOR READING... 
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